
The old man adopted two sons,both of__________working abroad.

Which of the following can be adopted as a post-reading activity?
A.Guessing word meaning from context.B.Concluding the main idea.C.Clearing up linguistic and cultural barriers.D.Rehearse the reading material.
What is the essential element in the dynamics of social influence?查看材料
A.The eagemess to be accepted.B.The impulse to influence others.C.The readiness to be influenced.D.The inclination to rely on others.
What is the teacher doing by saying this in terms of instruction?"Now,did the questions help you understand the text better?"
A.Observing the activity.B.Evaluating the activity.C.Monitoring the activity.D.Controlling the activity.
Which of the following practices aims at skill training and pronunciation knowledge?
A.Odd one out.B.Tongue twister.C.Context practice.D.Reciting.
Which of the following is not a while-speaking activity?
A.Describing people and events.B.Role-plays.C.Exchanging information.D.Reporting results.