
What is the teacher doing by saying this in terms of instruction?"Now,did the questions help you understand the text better?"
A.Observing the activity.B.Evaluating the activity.C.Monitoring the activity.D.Controlling the activity.

Which of the following practices aims at skill training and pronunciation knowledge?
A.Odd one out.B.Tongue twister.C.Context practice.D.Reciting.
Which of the following is not a while-speaking activity?
A.Describing people and events.B.Role-plays.C.Exchanging information.D.Reporting results.
Which of the letter"a"in the following words has a different pronunciation from others?
根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。在教授Where did you go on vacation?--课时,某教师做出如下教学设计:2.Presentation(呈现新知识)T:(从复习中引出)Where did you go last weekend?S:1 went to…T:Where did you go on vacation last summer?Do you remember?S:1 went to…通过图片呈现单词on vacation last summer.T:Do you like to leave home and do something fun with lots of friends for a few days on vacation?S:Yes,I d0.T:Then you can go to the summer camp.5.Listen and repeat(听音跟读)T:Now let’s listen to the tape and repeat.Please try to read like the tape.6.Follow up(进一步扩展)T:Now it’s your turn to make up your own dialogues.Please work with your group(fourstudents in one group)and ask each other questions about where you and your friend went on?vacation last summer.E.g.A:Hi/Hey…Where did you go on vacation?B:I?went to…A:Cool/Fantastic/…And where did…?B:He/she went to……根据上面的信息,从下列两个方面作答:(1)在此教学过程中,该教师是如何创设情境的?(15分)(2)除了该教师所用的创设情境的方法,创设情境还有哪些手段?(至少三种)(15分)