
共用题干Smartphone Customers Up for Grab
About 10 years ago I met an advertising executive in New York who explained the difficulty of advertising a new brand of deodorant(除臭剂)to consumers."Most people never change their deodorant,"I remember him saying,"They pick one brand when they are young,and stick with it for a long,long time.If it works,why switch?"
The same theory can be applied________(46)Once they have picked a type of phone, whether it's Apple iOS,Google Android or something else,it's difficult,and often expensive,to switch.Consumers become comfortable with the interface and design of the phone and the apps they have purchased on that platform.________(47)
That is why the race to pull in smartphone buyers is going to be especially severe over the next 18 to 24 months.________(48)there are still hundreds of millions of mobile phone owners around the world who have yet to move from a standard mobile or feature phone to its smarter,more
intelligent big brother:the smartphone.
Yet the change is happening at a much quicker pace than technology analysts and companies originally theorized.A report issued this week by Nielsen,the market research firm,found that among Americans________(49)55 percent opted for a smartphone.This is up from 34 percent a year ago.
At this point,who will lead that market is not up for debate.Android has been growing at a pace no one could have imagined,even Google.The company said this week that it now activates more than 500,000 Android devices each day.
Mr. Llamas said Apple,which changed the smartphone game in 2007 when it introduced the iPhone,potentially has a ceiling with consumers as its mobile phone is often more expensive than those of its competitors.
Although millions of customers flock to Apple products for their beauty,simplicity and powerful brand,many can't afford a new iPhone.This could change________(50)As some analysts expect. "Right now the iPhone only comes in one flavor;it's not like other Apple products like the iPod where there are several different sizes,shapes and prices,"Mr. Llamas said. _______(50)A:Although it may seem that everyone owns a smartphone these days,B:if Apple offers a less expensive model of the iPhone later this year.C:to customers who are making the switch to smartphones today.D:who purchased a new mobile phone in the last three months,E:The smartphone race is still raging.F:If it works,why switch?

相关标签: 除臭剂  



C It is a lot of trouble to learn a new language. When we go to all that trouble, we certainly want to be understood. But understanding is based on more than speech. Sometimes misunderstanding comes not from the wrong words, but from the wrong style. In our own country, we learn the style for politeness. But this polite style may be misunderstood in another country. This can cause unexpected difficulties. Since you have spent so much effort learning this new language, it is sensible and practical to learn the politeness rules also. Even if you think some of the customs are foolish, learning them can help you to be clearly understood. In your country, is it considered polite to listen quietly to other people without any change of expression on the face? If this is the style you have learned, perhaps you should watch two Americans talking. Notice how the person who is listening will have frequent changes of expression. The listener may also make little remarks while the other person is talking. These little remarks may be one word, like “Really?” or they may just be a little sound, like “Uhhuh” or “Mmm.” This is the way American listeners show that they are listening in a friendly way. This is why Americans get uneasy when the listener is silent and shows no change of expression. In the American style of speaking, an unmoving face often means that the listener is unfriendly, or perhaps even angry. Sometimes people from two countries are uncomfortable with each other for very small reasons. Here is an example: Americans think that perspiration odor is not polite. In fact, they worry so much about this subject that they spend a great deal of money on deodorants (除臭剂) and dry cleaning and washing their clothes. If a foreign student does not follow the same rule, Americans may be disturbed and think the foreigner is not nice. The problem can be especially troublesome because Americans are so embarrassed about this subject that they do not even like to talk about it, so they are not likely to tell that person why they are uneasy.

If you want to be clearly understood in another country, besides the language, you should also learn _____.

A. its common knowledge   B. its style       C. its wrong words    D. how to make a speech

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. American listeners have frequent changes of expression. B. A foreign student may not get along well with Americans if he smells. C. An unmoving face and silence of listeners will make Americans feel unhappy. D. Making little remarks like “Really”, “Uhhuh” or “Mum” is impolite while listening to an American.

The underlined phrase in the last paragraph probably means _____.

A. an unpleasant smell                    B. a good style of talking C. an unfriendly way                  D. a polite expression

What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Learning a new language          B. Different people, Different languages C. Body Language                   D. Different Countries, Different Cultures





