
这是七年级某班某天的英语作业:编写一个商场购物场景的对话。第二天交上来的作业中有这样一段对话:S (salesperson): Can I help you?C (customer): Yes. I want a sweater.S: What color you like?C: Blue.S: Give you.C: How much is it cost?S: 17 dollor.C: OK. I buy it.S: Thank you! Bye!C: Bye!这是一个英语基础薄弱,而且学习能力以及学习习惯都较弱的七年级学生的作业。教师在批改作业时将学生在对话中的单词拼写错误圈了出来;对于语法错误,教师只在有问题的句子后面打了个“X”;最后给了个等级“C”的评价。【问题】?1.根据这位初中英语教师批改作业的情况,指出不合理之处。(4分)?2.请提出批改英语基础薄弱学生作业的建议。(6分)

根据以下材料,回答A farmer carelessly lost an expensivegold watch in the barn on the farm, where he searched for everywhere but invain. So he put a 16 on the gate of the farm: whoever findsthe gold watch will be 17 100 dollars. Facing the 18 of the handsome reward, people tried their best to look for everywhere. 19 , the grain was piled like a hill along with bales of 20 , so if they wanted to find the gold watch, it would be like fishing fora needle in the 21 .When the sun set, the gold watch was notfound yet. They took pains but found 22 , so they began 23 the watch was too small, the barn was too large and the straw was toothick. It was getting 24 that they were still unable to find it.So they 25 the temptation of 100 dollars one by one.But only a small boy in 26 clothes was still not discouraged butkept 27 it in the grain. He had nothing to eatthroughout the day. In order to solve the family problem, he was 28 to find the gold watch andlet his parents, brothers and sisters have a full meal. He was 29 in the straw to have a rest 30 he heard a strange"tick-tock". He immediately held his breath and listen 31 . It was quieter in the barn while "tick-tock" 32 clearly. The boy 33 the sound, found the gold watch buriedin the depths of the grain and finally got the 100 dollars. Like the gold watchin the barn, 34 has existed around us and spread in verycorner of life. Only we are calm and 35 look for it can we find it.
A.notice B.signal C.information D.photograph
根据以下材料,回答A farmer carelessly lost an expensivegold watch in the barn on the farm, where he searched for everywhere but invain. So he put a 16 on the gate of the farm: whoever findsthe gold watch will be 17 100 dollars. Facing the 18 of the handsome reward, people tried their best to look for everywhere. 19 , the grain was piled like a hill along with bales of 20 , so if they wanted to find the gold watch, it would be like fishing fora needle in the 21 .When the sun set, the gold watch was notfound yet. They took pains but found 22 , so they began 23 the watch was too small, the barn was too large and the straw was toothick. It was getting 24 that they were still unable to find it.So they 25 the temptation of 100 dollars one by one.But only a small boy in 26 clothes was still not discouraged butkept 27 it in the grain. He had nothing to eatthroughout the day. In order to solve the family problem, he was 28 to find the gold watch andlet his parents, brothers and sisters have a full meal. He was 29 in the straw to have a rest 30 he heard a strange"tick-tock". He immediately held his breath and listen 31 . It was quieter in the barn while "tick-tock" 32 clearly. The boy 33 the sound, found the gold watch buriedin the depths of the grain and finally got the 100 dollars. Like the gold watchin the barn, 34 has existed around us and spread in verycorner of life. Only we are calm and 35 look for it can we find it.
A.straw B.rope C.thread D.grass
George Bernard Shaw was an Irishdramatist, literary critic, socialist spokesman and a leading ___________ inthe 20th century theater.
A.function B.figureC.status D.feature
Directions: Some people think that alluniversity students should study whatever they like. Others believe that theyshould only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, suchas those related to science and technology. What′s your view about what subjectuniversity students should study? You are required to write a compositionwithin 180 words, but no less than 150 words.
根据以下材料,回答A farmer carelessly lost an expensivegold watch in the barn on the farm, where he searched for everywhere but invain. So he put a 16 on the gate of the farm: whoever findsthe gold watch will be 17 100 dollars. Facing the 18 of the handsome reward, people tried their best to look for everywhere. 19 , the grain was piled like a hill along with bales of 20 , so if they wanted to find the gold watch, it would be like fishing fora needle in the 21 .When the sun set, the gold watch was notfound yet. They took pains but found 22 , so they began 23 the watch was too small, the barn was too large and the straw was toothick. It was getting 24 that they were still unable to find it.So they 25 the temptation of 100 dollars one by one.But only a small boy in 26 clothes was still not discouraged butkept 27 it in the grain. He had nothing to eatthroughout the day. In order to solve the family problem, he was 28 to find the gold watch andlet his parents, brothers and sisters have a full meal. He was 29 in the straw to have a rest 30 he heard a strange"tick-tock". He immediately held his breath and listen 31 . It was quieter in the barn while "tick-tock" 32 clearly. The boy 33 the sound, found the gold watch buriedin the depths of the grain and finally got the 100 dollars. Like the gold watchin the barn, 34 has existed around us and spread in verycorner of life. Only we are calm and 35 look for it can we find it.
A.reserved B.rewarded C.equipped D.donated




