

Drunken driving, sometimes called America's socially accepted form of murder, has become a national epidemic. Every hour of every day about three Americans on average are killed hydrunken drivers, adding up an incredible 350,000 over the past decade.A drunken driver is usually defined as one with a 0.10 blood alcohol content or roughly three beers, glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours. Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the American alcohol image and judges were lenient in most courts, but the drunken slaughter has recently caused so many well-publicized tragedies, especially involving young children, that public opinion is no longer so tolerant.Twenty states have raised the legal drinking age to 21, reversing a trend in the 1960s to reduce it to 18. After New Jersey lowered it to 18, the number of people killed by 18 to 20-year-old drivers more than doubled, so the state recently upped it back to 21.Reformers, however, fear raising the drinking age will have little effect unless accompanied by educational programs to help young people to develop"responsible attitudes" about drinking and teach them to resist peer pressure to drink.Tough new laws have led to increased arrests and in many areas already, to a marked decline in fatalities. Some states are also penalizing bars for serving customers too many drinks.As the fatalities continue to occur daily in every state, some Americans are even beginning to speak well of the 13 years' national prohibition of alcohol that began in 1919, which President Hoover called the"noble experiment". They forget that legal prohibition didn't stop drinking, but encouraged political corruption and organized crime. As with the booming drug trade generally, there is no easy solution.What is the author's attitude toward all the laws against drunken driving?
A.Optimistic.B.Pessimistic.C.Indifferent. D.Ironic.
In the cinema, there was an old man __________beside me.
A.atB.sitC.sitting D.to sit
根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。请阅读下面一份学生的书面表达以及教师的评语,并回答问题。Hi,Suzanne,?First of all,welcome to China.In fact,many students have the same problem like you.As?matter of fact,it?doesn’t?as difficult as you think.But ways?are great?importance.Here are some tips:?Firstly,review your lessons SO that it can help you catch the important points.Also read books in advance.And put your heart into class,especial?what the teacher says.?Secondly.don’t be?afraid make?mistakes.It’s a good study habit which?play a important?role?in learning language.?Thirdly,try to do something hard and always discuss some problems with your classmates in Chinese SO that you can learn Chinese from your classmates.?Finally,to be patient?when you still do poorly in Chinese.As you know,Rome isn’t build in a day.As time goes Oil,you will?success?sooner or later.?I hope that you can make great progress in Chinese.Good luck!Yours,?Xiao Yu?教师的评语:结构合理,层次清晰。过渡词用得很好,使用了较复杂的句式为文章增色了许多。但画线地方有误,请改正。(1)该教师对学生作文的错误地方画线有何作用?(8分)(2)对该教师对学生作文的批改情况进行分析。(15分)(3)假若此学生作文中出现的问题是学生群体中普遍常犯的错误,教师应该怎么做?(7分)
It is imperative that the government__________more investment into the shipbuilding industry.
A.attractsB.shall attractC.attractD.has to attract
Drunken driving, sometimes called America's socially accepted form of murder, has become a national epidemic. Every hour of every day about three Americans on average are killed hydrunken drivers, adding up an incredible 350,000 over the past decade.A drunken driver is usually defined as one with a 0.10 blood alcohol content or roughly three beers, glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours. Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the American alcohol image and judges were lenient in most courts, but the drunken slaughter has recently caused so many well-publicized tragedies, especially involving young children, that public opinion is no longer so tolerant.Twenty states have raised the legal drinking age to 21, reversing a trend in the 1960s to reduce it to 18. After New Jersey lowered it to 18, the number of people killed by 18 to 20-year-old drivers more than doubled, so the state recently upped it back to 21.Reformers, however, fear raising the drinking age will have little effect unless accompanied by educational programs to help young people to develop"responsible attitudes" about drinking and teach them to resist peer pressure to drink.Tough new laws have led to increased arrests and in many areas already, to a marked decline in fatalities. Some states are also penalizing bars for serving customers too many drinks.As the fatalities continue to occur daily in every state, some Americans are even beginning to speak well of the 13 years' national prohibition of alcohol that began in 1919, which President Hoover called the"noble experiment". They forget that legal prohibition didn't stop drinking, but encouraged political corruption and organized crime. As with the booming drug trade generally, there is no easy solution.Which of the following four drivers can be defined as an illegal driver?
A.A sixteen-year-old boy who drank a glass of wine three hours ago.B.An old lady who took four shots of whisky in yesterday's party.C.A policeman who likes alcohol very much.D.A pregnant woman who drank a beer an hour ago.





