
根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节20分钟的英语阅读活动。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:?teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocationactivities and justifications教学时间:20分钟?学生概况:某城镇普通中学七年级(初中一年级)学生,班级人数40人.多数学生已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》二级水平,学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:Mr. Cool's Clothes StoreCome and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell all our clothes at very." good prices. Doyou like sweasters? We have green sweasters for only $15! Yellow sweasters for only $12! Do youneed trousers? For boys, we have black trousers for only $22. And shorts are only $16! For girls,we have skirts in purple for only $20. How much are our jackets? Only $30!And we have blackshoes for only $28. Socks are only $2 for three pairs!Come to Mr. Cool's Clothes Store now!

In which stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach will students have the chance to use the new language freely and incorporate it into their existing language?
A.Presentation stage B.Practice stageC.Production stageD.Practice stage and Production stage
Even when__________to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.
A.exposing B.exposedC.expose D.to expose
Anne Whitney, a sophomore at Colorado State University, first had a problem taking tests when she began college."I was always well prepared for my tests. Sometimes I studied for weeks before a test. Yet I would go in to take the test, only to find I could not answer the questions correctly. I would blank out because of nervousness and fear. I couldn't think of the answer. My low grades on the tests did not show what I knew to the teacher." Another student in biology had similar experiences. He said, "My first chemistry test was very difficult. Then, on the second test,I sat down to take it, and I was so nervous that I was shaking. My hands were moving up and down so quickly that it was hard to hold my pencil. I knew the material and I knew the answers. Yet I couldn't even write them down! "These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety. Because a student worries and is uneasy about a test, his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does. The student cannot write or think clearly because of the extreme tension and nervousness. Although poor grades are often a result of poor study habits, sometimes test anxiety causes the low grades.Recently, test anxiety has been recognized as a real problem, not just an excuse or a false explanation of lazy students.Special university advising courses try to help students. In these courses, advisors try to help students by teaching them how to manage test anxiety. At some universities, students take tests to measure their anxiety. If the tests show their anxiety is high, the students can take short courses to help them deal with their tensions. These courses teach students how to relax their bodies. Students are trained to become calm in very tense situations. By controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds work at ease. Learned information then comes out without difficulty on a test.An expert at the University of California explains: "With almost all students, relaxation and less stress are felt after taking our program. Most of them experience better control during their tests. Almost all have some improvement. With some, the improvement is very great."Poor grades are usually the result of__________.
A.poor sleeping habitB.lazinessC.lack of sleep D.inability to form good study habits
In a pre-listening activity, students need to learn to cope with some ambiguity in listening and realize that they can still learn even when they do not understand every single word. The aim of this activity is to develop the skill of
A.listening for specific informationB.listening for gistC.listening for structureD.listening for vocabulary
Anne Whitney, a sophomore at Colorado State University, first had a problem taking tests when she began college."I was always well prepared for my tests. Sometimes I studied for weeks before a test. Yet I would go in to take the test, only to find I could not answer the questions correctly. I would blank out because of nervousness and fear. I couldn't think of the answer. My low grades on the tests did not show what I knew to the teacher." Another student in biology had similar experiences. He said, "My first chemistry test was very difficult. Then, on the second test,I sat down to take it, and I was so nervous that I was shaking. My hands were moving up and down so quickly that it was hard to hold my pencil. I knew the material and I knew the answers. Yet I couldn't even write them down! "These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety. Because a student worries and is uneasy about a test, his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does. The student cannot write or think clearly because of the extreme tension and nervousness. Although poor grades are often a result of poor study habits, sometimes test anxiety causes the low grades.Recently, test anxiety has been recognized as a real problem, not just an excuse or a false explanation of lazy students.Special university advising courses try to help students. In these courses, advisors try to help students by teaching them how to manage test anxiety. At some universities, students take tests to measure their anxiety. If the tests show their anxiety is high, the students can take short courses to help them deal with their tensions. These courses teach students how to relax their bodies. Students are trained to become calm in very tense situations. By controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds work at ease. Learned information then comes out without difficulty on a test.An expert at the University of California explains: "With almost all students, relaxation and less stress are felt after taking our program. Most of them experience better control during their tests. Almost all have some improvement. With some, the improvement is very great."?To deal with this problem, students say they want to__________.
A.take a short course on anxietyB.read about anxietyC.be able to manage or understand their anxietyD.take tests to prove they are not anxious





