
The one that does not belong to the approach to teaching reflection is__________.
A.teaching journalB.audio or video recording of lessonsC.action researchD.teaching plan

When students learn "apple, orange", the teacher gives students another word "fruit". Which principle does the teacher follow in his/her vocabulary teaching?
A.Word-choice principle.B.Presentation principle.C.Culture principle.D.Systematic principle.
根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的英语听力教学方案。 该方案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点: ?teaching objectives ? teaching contents ? key and difficult points ? major steps and time allocation ? activities and justifications 教学时间:20分钟 学生概况:本班为中等城市普通学校初中一年级(七年级)学生,班级人数45人,多数学生已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》二级水平。学生能够积极参与课堂活动,合作意识较强。 语言素材: A: How much is the hat? B: The hat is six dollars. A: And how much are the shorts? B: Oh, they′re eight dollars. A: And the sweater? How much is the sweater? B: Let′s see. The sweater is nine dollars.
Passage 1 Traffic lights are crucial tools for regulating traffic flow. They are not, however, perfect. Drivers exchange the gridlock that would happen at unmanaged junctions for a pattern of stop-go movement that can still be frustrating, and which burns more fuel than a smooth passage would. Creating such a smooth passage means adjusting a vehicle′s speed so that it always arrives at the lights when they are green. That is theoretically possible, but practically hard. Roadside signs wired to traffic lights may help, but they have not been widely deployed. Now scientists have an idea that could make the process cheaper and more effective. Instead of a hardwired network of signs, they propose to use mobile-phone apps. For a driver to benefit, he must load a special software, dubbed SignalGuru, into his phone and then mount it on a special bracket attached to the inside of his car′s windscreen, with the camera lens pointing forwards. SignalGuru is designed to detect traffic lights and track their status as red,amber or green. It broadcasts this information to other phones in the area that are fitted with the same software, and--if there are enough of them--the phones thus each know the status of most of the lights around town. Using this information, SignalGuru is able to calculate the traffic-light schedule for the region and suggest the speed at which a driver should travel in order to avoid running into red lights. Tests in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where five drivers were asked to follow the same route for three hours, and in Singapore, where eight drivers were asked to follow one of two routes for 30 minutes, revealed that SignalGuru was capable of predicting traffic-light activity with an accuracy of 98.2% and 96.3% respectively, in the two cities. This was particularly impressive because in Cambridge the lights shifted, roughly half-way through the test, from their off-peak schedule to their afternoon-traffic schedule, while in Singapore lights are adaptive, using detectors embedded under the road to determine how much traffic is around and thus when a signal should change. Fuel consumption fell, too--by about 20%. SignalGuru thus reduces both frustration and fuel use, and makes commuting a slightly less horrible experience. Roadside signs have not been widely deployed probably because _________.
A.it takes a lot of space to put them upB.it is hard to wire them to traffic lightsC.they cost more money to installD.they are less effective in bad weather
根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 下面是某初中课堂实录的教学片段。 T: Ok! Next, let′s read the text and choose the best heading for each paragraph. Read the passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph. (5 minutes later) T: Now, who can show us the answer? S1: B, A, C,F, E. T: You are clever, but, do you have any other ideas for Paragraph 3? S1: Oh sorry, It′ s D. T: Excellent! Now we have known the main meaning of each paragraph. This time let′s read each paragraph carefully. Then, make a group discussion and try to fill in the form.10 minutes please. (10 minutes later.) T: Time is up. Which group wants to show your form to us? Ok, Group 1. S2: ... T: Well done. Do you agree with them? Ss: Yes! T: Ok, very good. 根据上面的信息,从下面三个方面作答: (1)分析该教师的教学目标。(10分) (2)该教学片段属于教学中的哪个环节?请评析教师在该片段中是如何实现其教学目标的。(10分) (3)请评析该教师的反馈方式。(10分)