
请阅读Passage 2,完成题:A big focus of the criticism of computer games has concerned the content of the games being played. When the narratives of the games are analyzed they can be seen to fall into some genres.The two genres most popular with the children I interviewed were'Plafformers' and 'Beat-them-ups'. Platform games such as Sonic and Super Mario involve leaping from platform to platform,avoiding obstacles, moving on through the levels, and progressing through the different stages of the game. Beat-them-ups are the games which have caused concern over their violent content. These games involve fights between animated characters. In many ways this violence can be compared to violence within children's cartoons where a character is hit over the head or falls of a cliff but walks away unscathed.Controversy has occurred in part because of the intensity of the game play, which is said to spill over into children's everyday lives. There are worries that children are becoming more violent and aggressive after prolonged exposure to these games. Playing computer games involves feelings of intense frustration and anger which often expresses itself in aggressive 'yells' at the screen. It is not only the'Beat-them-up' games which produce this aggression; platform games are just as frustrating when the characters lose all their'lives' and'die' just before the end of the level is reached. Computer gaming relies upon intense concentration on the moving images on the screen and demands great hand-to-eye coordination. When the player loses and the words'Game over' appear on the screen, there is annoyance and frustration at being beaten by the computer and at having made an error. This anger and aggression could perhaps be compared to the aggression felt when playing football and you take your eye off the ball and enable the opposition to score. The annoyance experienced when defeated at a computer game is what makes gaming'addictive': the player is determined not to make the same mistake again and to have'one last go' in the hope of doing better next time.Some of the concern over the violence of computer games has been about children who are unable to tell the difference between fiction and reality and who act out the violent moves of the games in fight on the playground. The problem with video games is that they involve children more than television or films and this means there are more implications for their social behavior. Playing these games can lead to anti-social behavior, make children aggressive and affect their emotional stability.What does "unscathed" (Para. 1) probably mean?查看材料

请阅读下面一份学生的书面表达以及教师的评语,并回答问题。Hi, Suzanne,First of all, welcome to China. In fact, many students have the same problem like you. As a matter of fact, it doesn't as difficult as you think. But ways are great importance. Here are some tips:Firstly, review your lessons so that it can help you catch the important points. Also read books in advance. And put your heart into class, espeeial what the teacher says.Secondly, don't be afraid make mistakes. It's a good study habit which play" a important role in learning language.Thirdly, try to do something hard and always discuss some problems with your classmates in Chinese so that you can learn Chinese from your classmates.Finally, to be patient when you still do poorly in Chinese. As you know, Rome isn't build in a day. As time goes on, you will success sooner or later.I hope that you can make great progress in Chinese. Good luck!Yours, Xiao Yu教师的评语:结构合理,层次清晰。过渡词用得很好,使用了较复杂的句式为文章增色了许多。但画线地方有误,请改正。(1)该教师对学生作文的错误地方画线有何作用?(8分)(2)对该教师对学生作文的批改情况进行分析。(15分)(3)假若此学生作文中出现的问题是学生群体中普遍常犯的错误,教师应该怎么做?(7分)
What items are mainly assessed in the following questions?How well did you work in your group tasks?
A.Language performance.B.Improvement in strategies.C.Progress.D.Classroom participation.
请阅读Passage 2,完成题:A big focus of the criticism of computer games has concerned the content of the games being played. When the narratives of the games are analyzed they can be seen to fall into some genres.The two genres most popular with the children I interviewed were'Plafformers' and 'Beat-them-ups'. Platform games such as Sonic and Super Mario involve leaping from platform to platform,avoiding obstacles, moving on through the levels, and progressing through the different stages of the game. Beat-them-ups are the games which have caused concern over their violent content. These games involve fights between animated characters. In many ways this violence can be compared to violence within children's cartoons where a character is hit over the head or falls of a cliff but walks away unscathed.Controversy has occurred in part because of the intensity of the game play, which is said to spill over into children's everyday lives. There are worries that children are becoming more violent and aggressive after prolonged exposure to these games. Playing computer games involves feelings of intense frustration and anger which often expresses itself in aggressive 'yells' at the screen. It is not only the'Beat-them-up' games which produce this aggression; platform games are just as frustrating when the characters lose all their'lives' and'die' just before the end of the level is reached. Computer gaming relies upon intense concentration on the moving images on the screen and demands great hand-to-eye coordination. When the player loses and the words'Game over' appear on the screen, there is annoyance and frustration at being beaten by the computer and at having made an error. This anger and aggression could perhaps be compared to the aggression felt when playing football and you take your eye off the ball and enable the opposition to score. The annoyance experienced when defeated at a computer game is what makes gaming'addictive': the player is determined not to make the same mistake again and to have'one last go' in the hope of doing better next time.Some of the concern over the violence of computer games has been about children who are unable to tell the difference between fiction and reality and who act out the violent moves of the games in fight on the playground. The problem with video games is that they involve children more than television or films and this means there are more implications for their social behavior. Playing these games can lead to anti-social behavior, make children aggressive and affect their emotional stability.What is the topic of this article?查看材料
A.How does playing computer games affect the level of violence in children.B.There is no difference between Platform games and 'Beat-Them-Ups'.C.How to control anger while playing computer games.D.How to make children spend less time on computer games.
What role does the teacher play at the feedback stage?