
__________are not a minimal pair in English.
A."sink" and "zinc"B."fine" and "vine"C."bat" and "pat"D."teach" and "cheat"

In a factory, Li, the guide, is interpreting for a group of foreign guests. When they have finished visiting one workshop, he would like the group to follow him to the next workshop. He says,“”.
A.This way, pleaseB.Come hereC.Follow meD.Move on
A teacher handed out a list of twenty"Fature tense" sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?
A.Induction. B.Presentation.C.Consolidation.D.Deduction.
If you want to go to the movie tonight, so__________I.
As the train will not leave until one hour later, we__________grab a bite at the snack bar.
A.may wellB.might as wellC.as well asD.as well
__________method of teaching writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students go through to reach the final goal.