
__________ the weather, the sports meeting will be held on time.
A.In favor ofB.Regardless ofC.Apart fromD.Due to

Even when __________to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.
A.exposingB.exposedC.exposeD.to expose
__________assessment is designed to provide a measure of performance that is itinterpretable in terms of an individual's relative standing in some known group.
Teachers can apply all of the following methods to teach stress except__________.
A.indicating the stress by clapping handsB.raising the voice to indicate stressC.highlighting the stress parts by underlying themD.relying on detailed explanations
In__________drills, the students change a given structure in a way so that they are exposed to other similar structures, which also helps them have a deeper understanding of how the structures are formed and how they are used.
For better classroom management, what should the teacher do while the students are doing activities?
A.Participating in a group.B.Preparing for the next procedure.C.Moving around to monitor, prompt and provide help.D.Standing in front of the class.