

相关标签: 抹香鲸  



(  ) 1. A sperm whale can dive into the deep cold water. (  ) 2. How big is your fish? (  ) 3. My fish is smaller than Sarah's. (  ) 4. A sperm whale has 50 teeth. (  ) 5. A killer whale is 8 meters.

A. 我的鱼比萨拉的鱼小。 B. 抹香鲸有50颗牙。 C. 虎鲸8米长。 D. 抹香鲸能潜入到很深的冷水中。 E. 你的鱼多大?

The Greatest Mystery of Whales
The whale is a warm-blooded,air-breathing animal,giving birth to its young alive,sucking them-and, like all mammals,originated on land.There are many______(51)of this.Its front flippers(鳍状肢), used for steering and stability,are traces of feet.
Immense strength is______(52)into the great body of the big whales,and in fact most of a whale's body is one gigantic muscle.The blue whale's pulling strength has been estimated______(53) 400 horsepower.One specimen was reported to have towed(拖)a whaling vessel for seven hours at the ______(54)of eight knot(节).
An angry whale will______(55).A famous example of this was the fate of Whaler Essex, ______(56)was sunk off the coast of South America early in the last century.More recently,steel ships have______( 57 ) their plates buckled(使弯曲)in the same way.Sperm whales(抹香鲸)were known to seize the old-time whaleboats in their jaws and crush them.
The greatest______(58)of whales is their diving ability.The sperm whale dives to the bottom for his______( 59 ) food , the octopus(章鱼).In that search he is known to go as far down as 3 , 200 feet, where the______(60)is 1,400 pounds to a square inch.Doing so he will______(61) underwater as long as one hour.Two special skills are involved in this storing up enough______(62) (all whales are air-breathed)and tolerating thern great change in pressure.Just how he does it scientists have not______(63).It is believed that some of the oxygen is stored in a special ______(64)of blood vessels,rather than just held in the lungs.And it is believed that a special kind of oi1 in his head is some sort of a compensating mechanism that______(65)adjusts the internal pressure of his body.But since you can't bring a live whale into the laboratory for study,no one knows just how these things work.



  世界上最大的动物是什么?是生活在海洋里的哺乳动物——鲸。其中,最大的蓝鲸身长约30米,体重100吨左右,相当于30头大象或1000头公牛。  谁能想到,如此庞大的大鲸,(竞 竞)是海洋中最优秀的游泳健将之一。“海上霸王”虎鲸,每小时可游55公里;上百吨的抹香鲸还是海洋中的潜水冠军呢!另外,大鲸还有这样一些本领:既能从静止不动立(既 即)达到全速游动,又能马上“刹车”;既能快速下潜,也能快速上浮。这些本领,是任何舰艇都望尘莫及的。  鲸的体形特殊:硕大的头部,急速收缩的尾部,前肢演变成不大的鳍,后肢已经退化,整个身体像一(颗 棵)拉长了的“水滴”。这类体形能大大减少水的阻力,十分适合在水中活动。  舰船设计师们由大鲸的体形联想到船舶,设计了多种水滴似的鲸形船。(已 以)往的一些客轮、货轮的水下部分都是刀形,现在都改成鲸形,有的超级油轮也模(仿 妨)鲸的体形,因而加快了航速。  原先的核潜艇是雪茄形的,现在,出现了一些水滴形的现代化水下核潜艇。与雪茄形核潜艇相比,水滴形核潜艇所受到的水的阻力可以减少20%~30%,再加上核动力装置,功率有所增加,在水下航行时,速度有了大幅度的提高。1.在文中的括号内用“√”标出正确的汉字。2.选择正确的说法,在括号中打“√”。(1)鲸是一种哺乳动物。()(2)鲸是鱼类的一种。()(3)鲸有蓝鲸、大鲸、虎鲸、抹香鲸等种类。()3.“这些本领,是任何舰艇都望尘莫及的。”这句话中“这些本领”指哪些本领?“望尘莫及”是什么意思?___________________________4.文章是从哪几个方面来介绍鲸的?___________________________5.舰船设计师们从鲸身上得到哪些启示?为人类作出了什么贡献?___________________________
