

  王安石评论张籍诗歌的风格是:“看似寻常最奇崛,成如容易却艰辛。”试析张籍此诗写了生活中哪个“寻常”的细节?表达了他什么样的情感? _____________________________



【注】钱穆父:苏轼的友人,时被谪出知瀛洲。②改火:一年。③筠:竹。1、“送行淡月微云”营造了什么样的氛围?表现了作者怎样的心情? ____________________________2、“无波真古井,有节是秋筠”运用了什么样的修辞方法?写了什么内容?赞扬了友人什么样的品格? ____________________________

玉阶怨     李白     玉阶生白露,夜久侵罗袜。     却下水晶帘,玲珑望秋月。


1、这两首诗的开头两句分别写到白露、飞霜,对表达情感有什么作用? ______________________________2、著名学者俞陛云在《诗境浅说续编》中提到《无声子夜歌》时说:“此与宫怨词‘却下水晶帘,玲珑望秋月’词异而意同。”请比较这两首诗,分析这里所说的“同”和“异”。 ______________________________


(1)词的上片“竹外一枝斜”写出了梅的什么特点? ____________________________(2)下片运用了对比的手法,请作简要的赏析。 ____________________________

Every year, it costs British students more and more to attend university. Students are graduating with larger and larger debts. So is a college degree really worth it? In 2006, the UK government started to allow universities in England and Wales to charge British students tuition fees (学费). As a result, more than 80 percent of students in England and Wales now take out a student loan (贷款) in order to go to university. They use the loan to pay for tuition fees and living expenses. Although the interest on student loans is quite low, it begins as soon as the student receives the loan. The average student in England and Wales now graduates from university with a debt of around $12,000 (122,952yuan). It means graduates have to struggle to pay rent on a flat, because they have to start paying back the student loan when they reach the April after graduating. If you start to earn over $ 15,000 (153,639yuan) a year, the government takes repayments directly from your monthly salary. You might think that a person with a degree would find it easy to get a well-paid job. However, most people in “white collar jobs” seem to have a degree, so there is a lot of competition. Also, British companies tend to value work experience over a piece of paper. All of the above is beginning to make British people question whether a university degree is really worth the money. Even before the credit crisis started, the BBC stated: “The number of British students at UK universities has fallen for the first time in recent history, from 1.97 million in 2007 to 1.96 million last year (2008).” “Student poverty” is now considered a real problem. Meanwhile, the British universities offer more and more of the available places to richer international students rather than poorer British students. What does the future hold for British higher education?

What makes British students question the worth of a university degree?

A. Higher university expenses.         B. Lower education quality. C. A higher interest rate on student loans     D. Grater difficulty obtaining student loans.

According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. University tuition fees in all parts of Britain have been on the rise since 2006. B. Interest on a student loan starts as soon as the student receives it. C. People have always questioned the worth of a university degree. D. University graduates need to pay off their loans right upon graduation.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that concerns a British university graduate?

A. Fierce competition in the job market.     B. The burden of a large debt. C. Lack of experience.            D. Fewer job openings.

What is the title of this passage?

A. Student poverty             B. Is college worth it?   C. The UK government started to charge students tuition fees. D. British students use the loan to pay for tuition fees and living expenses.


(1)你认为第二句中哪个字用得最好?请结合诗句赏析。 _____________________________(2)有人认为第三、四句是“柳暗花明”之笔,请结合诗句谈谈你的看法。 _____________________________





