

(1)词的上片“竹外一枝斜”写出了梅的什么特点? ____________________________(2)下片运用了对比的手法,请作简要的赏析。 ____________________________



【注】钱穆父:苏轼的友人,时被谪出知瀛洲。②改火:一年。③筠:竹。1、“送行淡月微云”营造了什么样的氛围?表现了作者怎样的心情? ____________________________2、“无波真古井,有节是秋筠”运用了什么样的修辞方法?写了什么内容?赞扬了友人什么样的品格? ____________________________


(1)你认为第二句中哪个字用得最好?请结合诗句赏析。 _____________________________(2)有人认为第三、四句是“柳暗花明”之笔,请结合诗句谈谈你的看法。 _____________________________

第二部分阅读理解:(共两节, 满分50分) Ⅲ. 第一节(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)阅读下列短文, 从每题后面所给的选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。 A We may encounter various setbacks (挫折) in our life and these setbacks  may never repeat themselves. They appear differently in different periods of life. Students may have problems in learning, for example, the goal and motivation of learning, the method and attitude of study, and their school performances as well. If they fail to deal with these matters properly, they may have problems in study and even develop psychological problems. Job-hunting, career choosing, capability and unemployment are matters often leading to psychological problems of the contemporaries (当代人). How to choose a career, how to make a plan for life and how to keep competence in position and for promotion, etc., these are all factors to bring us worries and anxieties. Interpersonal relationship leads to one of the major psychological setbacks of the human being. The symptoms show that it is hard to get along with others, lacking necessary skills to communicate with others. These may lead to sad feelings of loneliness, bitterness, short of concerns and cares. The old often suffer from supersession of the old by the new, stepping down from leading positions, retirement, being isolated and helpless. How to look at these rules of law in life, get used to the change, handle domestic emptiness when children grow up and the bitterness facing death of the beloved, all these have to be dealt with properly, to avoid the development of depression and disease. Now, it comes to the key — how to handle them.  Keeping a good mood: Do not make your ambitions too high and never seek for perfection when doing things. Do not expect too much from others. Otherwise, you will be disappointed if she/he fails to meet your expectation. When angry, you’d better calm yourself so as to avoid doing something stupid. Be tolerating and forgiving. Toleration and forgiveness can either smooth your own mood or benefit interpersonal relationship. When you encounter setbacks you’d better leave it alone and begin to do something you like, for example, go to the theater or take exercise, etc. You may ease yourself by telling your unhappiness to your good friends, parents, teachers or even making a telephone call to psychological hotlines. Do something good for others. In this way, you will not only forget your worries but also find your own value and at the same time make friends with others. To evaluate your ability and role properly, thus you will not develop unnecessary psychological pressure on yourself.

The writer is mainly trying to tell us _______.

A. who knows about setbacks      B. how to deal with setbacks  C. when we have setbacks        D. what causes various setbacks

Setbacks may result from the following EXCEPT _______.

A. learning problems at school      B. weak competence in career C. poor skills in communication     D. the rules of law in life

Guess the right meaning of the underlined word “supersession”.

A. depression                 B. replacement C. loneliness                 D. emptiness

From the “key” given by the writer, we can infer that _______.

A. anger can be turned into useful power B. those without ambitions are the happiest C. psychological problems can be solved by yourself D. doing something good for others adds to your worries

     After finishing my shopping, I headed for the checkout
counter but was blocked in the narrow passage by a young
man that appeared to be about sixteen years old. I wasn’t in a
hurry, so I patiently waited for the boy to realize that I was
After a little while, he waved his hands excitedly, in the air and shouted in a loud voice, "Mommy, I'm here.Mommy, I'm here." It was obvious now, he was mentally challenged.Suddenly, he turned and saw me standing so close to him.His eyes widened and watched me surprisingly.He turned and saw me standing so close to him. His eyes widened and watched me surprisingly. I stepped back and asked, " Hey, buddy, what’s your name? " " My name is Denny and I'm shopping with my mother," he responded proudly."Wow," I said, "that's a cool name.I wish my name was Denny, but my name is Hal." "Hal like Halloween?" he asked."Yes," I answered."How old are you, Denny?" "How old am I now.Mommy?" he asked his mother as she came over from the next passage."You' re fifteen years old, Denny; now be a good boy and let the lady pass by." I continued to talk to Denny for several more minutes about summer vacation, bicycles and school.I watched his brown eyes dance with excitement.
As we were talking, he suddenly ran toward the toy section.
Denny's mom thanked me for taking the time to talk with her son.She told me that most people wouldn' t even look at him, much less talk to him…I told her that it was my pleasure and then I said, " Denny is a blue rose and if I didn' t stop and smell that rose with my heart, I would miss a blessing from God."
She looked more puzzled.I told her that there are plenty of red, yellow and pink roses in God's garden, however, blue roses are very rare and should be appreciated for their beauty and distinctiveness (特殊之处).Denny is such a "blue rose" in God's garden.   
46.The story may happen   .
A.in a school     B.during the summer vacation
C.in a super market    D.in the toy section
47.The boy's brown eyes dance with excitement because    .
A.he was the center of someone's attention 
B.Denny is a cool name
C.he is shopping with his mother      
D.he likes summer vacation
48.We can infer from the passage that Danny ______.
A.was mentally challenged    B.is 15 years old 
C.was often very lonely and neglected     D.is a ‘blue rose1’ in God's garden
49.From the passage we can learn that _______.
A.there are plenty of red, yellow and pink roses in God’s garden   
B.blue roses'are very rare and should be appreciated                  
C.most people wouldn’t even look at Denny
D.every person should be appreciated in our life

玉阶怨     李白     玉阶生白露,夜久侵罗袜。     却下水晶帘,玲珑望秋月。


1、这两首诗的开头两句分别写到白露、飞霜,对表达情感有什么作用? ______________________________2、著名学者俞陛云在《诗境浅说续编》中提到《无声子夜歌》时说:“此与宫怨词‘却下水晶帘,玲珑望秋月’词异而意同。”请比较这两首诗,分析这里所说的“同”和“异”。 ______________________________





