



Under Hazardous Waste Act in Australia, if you export hazardous waste without a permit, you will be fined up to __ or shut up in prison for ______.

No sooner had the words been spoken ________(就意识到我本该保持沉默的).

The changes in language will continue forever, but no one knows sure 【M1】__

who does the changing. One possibility is that children are responsible. A

professor of linguistic at the University of Hawaii, explores this in one of his 【M2】__

recent books. Sometimes around 1880, a language catastrophe occurred in 【M3】__

Hawaii when thousands of emigrant workers were brought to the islands to 【M4】__

work for the new sugar industry. These people speaking different languages

were unable to communicate with each other or with the native Hawaiians or

the dominant English-speaking owners of the plantations. So they first spoke

in Pidgin English-- the sort of thing such mixed language populations have 【M5】__

always done. A pidgin is not really a language at all. It is more like a set of

verbal signals used to name objects and without the grammatical rules needed

for expressing thoughts and ideas. And then, within a single generation, the 【M6】__

whole mass of mixed people began speaking a totally new tongue: Hawaiian 【M7】__

Creole. The new speech was contained ready-made words borrowed from all 【M8】__

the original tongues, but beared little or no resemblance to the predecessors in 【M9】__

the rules used for stringing the words together. Although generally regarded as 【M10】__

primitive language, Hawaiian Creole had a highly sophisticated grammar.


Some British supermarket companies are asking their warehouse

workers to wear small computers, calling "electronic tags". The 【M1】__

companies say that these tags will to help them to reduce costs 【M2】__

and increase the efficient delivery of goods and food to stores.

The system uses American satellite and radio technology

send messages to the workers. In a report Professor Blakemore 【M3】__

from the University of Durham said that the use of

these tags is making some workplaces more like prisons. 【M4】__

The technology arrived from the US at the start of the year

and more and more companies are using it. Almost 10,000

employees are using it to supply good to well-known British 【M5】__

supermarkets. Trade unionists representing workers are

worried that companies could use the technology to check

what workers are doing work. They are asking for special 【M6】__

measures to make sure that this does not happen.

Under the system, workers have to wore computers on 【M7】__

their wrists, arms and fingers, and sometimes they have to wear a

special vest contained a computer that instructs them 【M8】__

where go to collect goods from warehouse shelves. 【M9】__

The system also allowed the store to send orders to workers' computers. 【M10】__






