学历类 - 外语类

When the passenger woke up,______.(他发现自己躺在医院的病房里).


If you want your CD player to know where each song of the album begins, you __ to your CD.

Our scientific research in genetics ________(事实上并不亚于别人)


Why did Peter ask for an explanation about the two items mentioned?

Because he __ the difference between them.

The number of children included in the study.



Directions: Translate the following text into English.


Nowadays people are so busy with their dally routines that they neglect to ______.

Service contract is a part of the deal.

1 Americans this year will swallow 15,000 tons of aspirin, one of the safest and most effective drugs invented by man. The most popular medicine in the world today, it is an effective pain reliever. Its bad effects are relatively mild, and it is cheap.

2 For millions of people suffering from arthritis(关节炎), it is the only thing that works. Aspirin, in short, is truly the 20th-century wonder drug. It is also the second largest suicide drug and is the leading cause of poisoning among children. It has side effects that, although relatively mild, are largely unrecognized among users.

3 Although aspirin was first sold by a German company in 1989,it has been around much longer than that. Hippocrates, in ancient Greece, understood the medical value of the leaves and tree bark which today are known to contain salicylates(水杨酸盐) ,the chemical in aspirin. During the 19th century, there was a great deal of experimentation in Europe with this chemical, and it led to the introduction of aspirin. By 1915, aspirin tablets were available in the United States.

4 A small quantity of aspirin (two five-grain tablets)relieves pain and inflammantion(炎症). It also reduces fever by interfering with some of the body's reactions. Specifically, aspirin seems to slow down the formation of the acids involved in pain and the complex chemical reactions that cause fever. The chemistry of these acids is not fully understood, but the slowing effect of aspirin is well known.

5 Aspirin is very irritating to the stomach lining and many aspirin takers complain about upset stomach. There is a right way and a wrong way to take aspirin. The best way is to chew the tablets before swallowing them with water, but few people can stand the bitter taste. Some people suggest crushing the tablets in milk or orange juice and drinking that.

A History of Aspirin

B Bad Things about Aspirin

C Origin of Aspirin

D Good Things About Aspirin

E How Aspirin Works in the Body

F How to Take Aspirin

Paragraph 2 __

None of us ____ (预料到他会出现) at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.

SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points)

For the first time in the history of the world, every human being is now subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals, from the moment of conception until death. In the less than two decades of their use, the synthetic pesticides have been so thoroughly distributed throughout the animate and inanimate world that they occur virtually everywhere. They have been recovered from most of the major river systems and even from streams of groundwater flowing unseen through the earth. Residues of these chemicals linger in soil to which they may have been applied a dozen years before. They have entered and lodged in the bodies of fish, birds, reptiles, and domestic and wild animals so universally that scientists carrying on animal experiments find it almost impossible to locate subjects free from such contamination. They have been found in fish in remote mountain lakes, in earthworms burrowing in soil, in the eggs of birds—and in man himself. For these chemicals are now stored in the bodies of the vast majority of human beings, regardless of age. They occur in the mother's milk, and probably in the tissues of the unborn child.

All this has come about because of the sudden rise and prodigious growth of an industry for the production of man-made or synthetic chemicals with insecticidal properties. This industry is a child of the Second World War. In the course of developing agents of chemical warfare, some of the chemicals created in the laboratory were found to be lethal to insects. The discovery did not come by chance: insects were widely used to test chemicals as agents of death for man.

The result has been a seemingly endless stream of synthetic insecticides.

What sets the new synthetic insecticides apart is their enormous biological potency. They have immense power not merely to poison but to enter into the most vital processes of the body and change them in sinister and often deadly ways. Thus, as we shall see, they destroy the very enzymes whose function is to protect the body from harm, they block the oxidation processes from which the body receives its energy, they prevent the normal functioning of various organs, and they may initiate in certain cells the slow and irreversible change that leads to malignancy.

Honestly, entrance examinations provide ________(一组比较公平、客观的标准) for the selective admissions of educational institutions.