

































   ___ you the ___\__, this book is ________.


   Paul doesn't know ____ for help.


  ____ possible that there ________.


   He ______.


  ___ important ___ study and play.






题目生物识别技术,即通过计算机与光学、声学、生物传感器和生物统计学原理等高科技手段密切结合,利用人体固有的生理特性(如指静脉、人脸、虹膜、指纹等)和行为特征(如笔迹、声音、步态等)来进行个人身份的鉴定。根据上述定义,下列最可能运用了生物识别技术的是(  )。
共用题干Wrongly Convicted Man and His Accuser Tell Their Story
NEW YORK,NY,January 5,2010.St.Martin's Press has announced the release of the paperback edition of Picking Cotton,a remarkable true story of what novelist John Grisham calls an"account of violence,rage,redemption(救赎),and,ultimately forgiveness".
The story began in 1987,in Burlington,North Carolina,with the rape of a young white college student named Jennifer Thompson.During her ordeal,Thompson swore to herself that she would never forget the face of her rapist,a man who climbed through the window of her apartment and assaulted her brutally.______(46)When the police asked her if she could identify the assailant(袭击者)from a book of mug shots,she picked one that she was sure was correct,and later she identified the same man in a lineup.
Based on her convincing eyewitness testimony,a 22-year-old black man named Ronald Cotton was sentenced to prison for two life terms.Cotton's lawyer appealed the decision,and by the time of the appeals hearing, evidence had come to light suggesting that the real rapist might have been a man who looked very like Cotton,an imprisoned criminal named Bobby Poole.______(47)Jennifer Thompson looked at both men face to face,and once again said that Ronald Cotton was the one who raped her.
Eleven years later, DNA evidence completely exonerated(证明……清白)Cotton and just as unequivocally(明确地)convicted Poole, who confessed to the crime.______ (48) "The man I was so sure I had never seen in my life was the man who was inches from my throat,who raped me,who hurt me, who took my spirit away,who robbed me of my soul,"she wrote."And the man I had identified so surely on so many occasions was absolutely innocent."______(49)Remarkably both were able to put this tragedy behind them,overcome the racial barrier that divided them,and write a book,which they have subtitled"Our memoir of injustice and redemption".
Nevertheless,Thompson says,she still lives"with constant pain that my profound mistake cost him so dearly.______(50)" ______ (50)A:Jennifer Thompson decided to meet Cotton and apologize to him personally.B:Many criminals are sent to prison on the basis of accurate testimony by eyewitnesses.C:I cannot begin to imagine what would have happened had my mistaken identification occurred in a capital case.D:Another trial was held.E:Thompson was shocked and devastated.F:During the attack,she made an effort to memorize every detail of his face,looking for scars,tattoos(纹身),or other identifying marks.
Wrongly Convicted Man and His Accuser Tell Their StoryNEW YORK, NY,January 5, 2010. St. Martin’s Press has announced the release of the paperback edition of Picking Cotton, a remarkable true story of what novelist John Grisham calls an “account of violence, rage,redemption (救赎),and, ultimately, forgiveness”.The story began in 1987, in Burlington, North Carolina, with the rape of a young white college student named Jennifer Thompson. During her ordeal, Thompson swore to herself that she would never forget the face of her rapist, a man who climbed through the window of her apartment and assaulted her brutally. ___________ (46) When the police asked her if she could identify the assailant (袭击者)from a book of mug shots, she picked one that she was sure was correct, and later she identified the same man in a lineup.Based on her convincing eyewitness testimony, a 22-year-old black man named Ronald Cotton was sentenced to prison for two life terms. Cotton’s lawyer appealed the decision, and by the time of the appeals hearing, evidence had come to light suggesting that the real rapist might have been a man who looked very like Cotton, an imprisoned criminal named Bobby Poole. ___________ (47) Jennifer Thompson looked at both men face to face, and once again said that Ronald Cotton was the one who raped her.Eleven years later, DNA evidence completely exonerated (证明......清白)Cotton and just as unequivocally (明确地)convicted Poole, who confessed to the crime. ____________(48) “The man I was so sure I had never seen in my life was the man who was inches from my throat, who raped me, who hurt me, who took my spirit away, who robbed me of my soul,’’ she wrote. “And the man I had identified so surely on so many occasions was absolutely innocent. ”___________ (49) Remarkably, both were able to put this tragedy behind them,overcome the racial barrier that divided them, and write a book, which they have subtitled “Our memoir of injustice and redemption”.Nevertheless, Thompson says, she still lives “with constant pain that my profound mistake cost him so dearly. ___________ (50)’’ A Jennifer Thompson decided to meet Cotton and apologize to him personally.B During the attack, she made an effort to memorize every detail of his face, looking for scars,tattoos (文身),or other identifying marks.C I cannot begin to imagine what would have happened had my mistaken identification occurred in a capital case.D Another trial was held.E Many criminals are sent to prison on the basis of accurate testimony by eyewitnesses.F Thompson was shocked and devastated.
共用题干Wrongly Convicted Man and His Accuser Tell Their Story
NEW YORK,NY,January 5,2010.St.Martin's Press has announced the release of the paperback
edition of Picking Cotton,a remarkable true story of what novelist John Grisham calls an"account violence,rage,redemption(救赎),and ultimately forgiveness."
The story began in 1987,in Burlington,North Carolina,with the rape of a young while college stud。 named Jennifer Thompson.During her ordeal,Thompson swore to herself that she would never forget the face of her rapist,a man who climbed through the window of her apartment and assaulted her brutal ________(46)When the police asked her if she could identify the assailant(袭击者)from a book of n shots,she picked one that she was sure was correct,and later she identified the same man in a lineup.
Based on her convincing eyewitness testimony,a 22-year dad black man named Ronald Cotton was sentenced to prison for two life terms.Cotton's lawyer appealed the decision,and by the time of the the hearing,evidence had come to light suggesting that the real rapist might have been a man who looked v, like Cotton,an imprisoned criminal named Bobby Poole.________(47)Jennifer Thompson looked at b。 men face to face,and once again said that Ronald Cotton was the one who raped her.
Eleven years later, DNA evidence completely exonerated(证明……清白)Cotton and just as unequivocally (明确地)convicted Poole,who confessed to the crime._________(48)"The man I was so sure I had never seen in my life was the~who was inches from my throat,who raped me,who hurt me,who took my spirit away,who robbed me of my soul,"she wrote."And the man I had identified so surely on so many occasions、 absolutely innocent."_______(49)Remarkably both were able to put this tragedy behind them,overcome the racial ban that divided them,and write a book,which they have subtitled"Our memoir of injustice and redemption".Nevertheless,Thompson says,she still lives"with constant pain that my profound mistake cost him dearly,_________(50)" ________(50)A:Jennifer Thompson decided to meet Cotton and apologize to him personally.B:Many criminals are sent to prison on the basis of accurate testimony by eyewitnesses,C:I cannot begin to imagine what would have happened had my mistaken identification occurred in a capital case。D:Another trial was held.E:Thompson was shocked and devastated.F:During the attack,she made an effort to memorize every detail of his face,looking for scars,tattoos(纹身),or other identifying marks.
共用题干Wrongly Convicted Man and His Accuser Tell Their Story
NEW YORK NY,January 5,2010,St.Martin's Press has announced the release of the paperback edi- tion of Picking Cotton,a remarkable true story of what novelist John Grisham calls an"account of violence, rage,redemption(救赎),and,ultimately,forgiveness."
The story began in 1987,in Burlington,North Carolina,with the rape of a young white college student named Jennifer Thompson.During her ordeal,Thompson swore to herself that she would never forget the face of her rapist,a man who climbed through the window of her apartment and assaulted her brutally._______(46)When the police asked her if she could identify the assailant(袭击者)from a book of mug shots,she picked one that she was sure was correct and later she identified the same man in a lineup.
Based on her convincing eyewitness testimony,a 22-year-old black man named Ronald Cotton was sentenced to prison for two life terms.Cotton's lawyer appealed the decision,and by the time of the appeals hearing,evidence had come to light suggesting that the real rapist might have been a man who looked very like Cotton,an imprisoned criminal named Bobby Poole.______(47)Jennifer Thompson looked at both men face to face,and once again said that Ronald Cotton was the one who raped her.
Eleven years later , DNA evidence completely exonerated(证明……清白)Cotton and just as unequivocally(明确地)convicted Poole , who confessed to the crime._________ ( 48 ) " The man I was so sure I had never seen in my life was the man who was inches from my throat,who raped me,who hurt me, who took my spirit away,who robbed me of my soul,"she wrote."And the man I had identified so surely on so many occasions was absolutely innocent."_______(49)Remarkably,both were able to put this tragedy behind them,overcome the racial barrier that divided them,and write a book,which they have subtitled "Our memoir of injustice and redemption."
Nevertheless,Thompson says,she still lives"with constant pain that my profound mistake cost him so dearly._______(50)" _______(50)A:Another trial was held.B:I cannot begin to imagine what would have happened had my mistaken identification occurred in a capital case.C:Thompson was shocked and devastated.D:Jennifer Thompson decided to meet Cotton and apologize to him personally.E:During the attack,she made an effort to memorize every detail of his face,looking for scars,tattoos(文身),or other identifying marks.F:Many criminals are sent to prison on the basis of accurate testimony by eyewitnesses.
绝大多数动物并不在乎它们使用哪一只“手”,因而算不上什么左撇子。但有一些动物却有明显的偏爱。龙虾的两只钳子通常是不对称的,“左撇子”龙虾的左钳子大些,也更有力,“右撇子”龙虾的右钳子大些,也更强劲。比目鱼小时候眼睛是对称分布的,长大后就逐渐移向某一侧,有的成为双眼同在左边的“左撇子”,有的则变为同在右侧的“右撇子”。海螺多为右旋的,可也有一小部分是左旋的。小猫会习惯用某一侧前爪来拍打在眼前摇晃的东西,而鹦鹉则会用某一边的爪子来剥瓜子吃……左撇子队伍中甚至还包括五亿年前的三叶虫!科学家们发现这种古代海洋动物的化石有时会缺损一小块,这是它们当初遭受攻击时留下的伤痕。这些有缺损的化石,大约有四分之三的缺损部位在右边!也许,袭击三叶虫的那个家伙习惯于从右边咀嚼,或者是三叶虫老是向右转以躲避攻击。恐怕这将永远是一个谜了!三叶虫为什么是左撇子? A.总是向右转以躲避攻击B.袭击者习惯从左边咀嚼C.攻击对方时留下了伤痕D.缺损部位在左边

补全短文:下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。 Wrongly Convicted Man and His Accuser Tell Their Story。 NEW YORK,NY, January 5,2010. St.Martin’s Press has announced the release of the paperback edition of Picking Cotton, a remarkable true story of what novelist John Grisham calls an “account of violence, rage, redemption(救赎),and, ultimately forgiveness.”   The story began in 1987, in Burlington, North Carolina, with the rape of a young while college student named Jennifer Thompson. During her ordeal, Thompson swore to herself that she would never forget the face of her rapist, a man who climbed through the window of her apartment and assaulted her brutally.________(1) When the police asked her if she could identify the assailant(袭击者) from a book of mug shots, she picked one that she was sure was correct, and later she identified the same man in a lineup. Based on her convincing eyewitness testimony, a 22-year-old black man named Ronald Cotton was sentenced to prison for two life terms. Cotton’s lawyer appealed the decision, and by the time of the appeals hearing, evidence had come to light suggesting that the real rapist might have been a man who looked very like Cotton, an imprisoned criminal named Bobby Poole._______ (2) Jennifer Thompson looked at both men face to face, and once again said that Ronald Cotton was the one who raped her. Eleven years later, DNA evidence completely exonerated(证明……清白) Cotton and just as unequivocally(明确地) convicted Poole, who confessed to the crime. ________(3) “The man I was so sure I had never seen in my life was the man who was inches from my throat, who raped me, who hurt me, who took my spirit away, who robbed me of my soul,” she wrote. “And the man I had identified so surely on so many occasions was absolutely innocent.” _______ (4) Remarkably both were able to put this tragedy behind them, overcome the racial barrier that divided them, and write a book, which they have subtitled “Our memoir of injustice and redemption.” Nevertheless, Thompson says, she still lives “with constant pain that my profound mistake cost him so dearly______ (5)” 50 (单项选择题)

A、Thompson was shocked and devastated.

B、Another trial was held.

C、I cannot begin to imagine what would have happened had my mistaken identification occurred in a capital case.

D、During the attack, she made an effort to memorize every detail of his face , looking for scars , tattoos (纹身) or other identifying marks.Jennifer

E、Many criminals are sent to prison on the basis of accurate testimony by eyewitnesses.

F、Jennifer Thompson decided to meet Cotton and apologize to him personally.