
Will We Take Vacation in Spaces?
When Mike Kelly first set out to build his own private space-ferry service,he figured his bread-and-butter business would be lofting satellites into high-Earth orbit. Now he thinks he may have figured wrong.“People were always asking me when they could go,”says Kelly,who runs
Kelly Space TechnologT out of San Bernardino,Californi a.“I realized that real market is in space tourism.”
According to preliminary market surveys,there are 10,000 would-be-space-tourists willing to spend $1 million each to visit the final frontier. Space Adventure in Arlington,Virginia,has taken more than 1 30 deposits for a two-hour,$98,000 space tour tentatively(and somewhat dubiously)set to occur by 2005 .Gene Meyers of the Space Island Group says:“Space is the next exotic vacation spot.”
This may all sound great,but there are a few hurdles.Putting a simple satellite into orbit with no oxygen,life support or return trip necessary already costs an astronomical $22,000/kg.
And that doesn't include the cost of insuring rich and possibly litigious passenger. John Pike of the
Federation of American Scientists acerbically suggests that the entire group of entrepreneurs trying to corner the space tourism market have between them“just enough money to blow up one rocket.”The U .S.space agency has plenty of money but zero interest in making space less expensive for the little guys.So the little guys are racing to do what the government has failed to do:design a reusable launch system that's inexpensive,safe and reliable.Kelly Space's prototype looks like a plane that has sprouted rocket engines.Rotary Rocket in Redwood City,California,hasa booster with rotors make a helicopter-style return to Earth;Kistler Aerospace in Kirkland,Wash- ington,is piecing together its versions from old Soviet engines,shuttle-style thermal protection tiles and an elaborate parachute system.The first passenger countdowns are still years away,but bureaucrats at the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington are already informally discussing flight regulations.After all,you can't be too prepared for a trip to that galaxy far,far away.
For those who are intent on joining the 100-mile high club,Hilton and Budget are plotting to build space hotels.Before the Russian space Mir came down,some people were talking about using it as a low-rent space hotel to reduce the cost. If a space hotel is finally built in space,and if you're thinking of staying in it,you may want to check the Michelin ratings before booking yourself a suite.
Mike Kelly planned to turn his business of making bread and butter into a business that is engaged in space tourism.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned

The doctor may recommend limiting the amount of fat in your diet.
Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores
Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to university,reveals a major new
study_________(51)out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS).The
2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and
The research group analyzed the ________(53)of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took
right after they started serving the army.
The study shows a clear link _________(54)good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test.
The strongest links are for ________(55)thinking and verbal comprehension.But it is only fitness that
plays a _________ (56)in the results for the IQ test,and not strength."Being fit means that you also have
good heart and lung __________(57)and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen."says Michael Nilsson,pro-
fessor at the Sahlgrenska Academy and chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital."This may be
one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with fitness,but not with muscular_________(58).We are
also seeing that there are growth factors that are important."
By analyzing data for twins,the researchers have been________(59)to determine that it is primarily
environmental factors and not genes that___________(60)the link between fitness and a higher IQ.
"We have also shown that those youngsters who _______(61)their physical fitness between the ages
of 1 5 and 1 8 increase their performance."says Maria Aberg,researcher at the Sahlgrenska Academy and
physician at Aby health centre."This being the case,physical education is a_______(62)that has an
important place in schools,and is an absolute must________(63)we want to do well in math and other
theoretical subjects."
The researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests during national service_______(64)
the socioeconomic status of the men later in life.Those who were fit at I 8 were more__________(65)to go
into higher education,and many secured more qualified jobs.
Women,Keep Dieting!
To most women who are trying to keep slim,dieting can seem to last a lifetime,or to be more exact,31 years,for researchers have found that is how long the average woman spends on a diet over the course of her life.
A university did a research on diet of British people for as long as 10 years,whose result revealed such a picture.British women spend averagely six months a year counting the calories and more than one fifth are on a permanent diet throughout their lifetime in a seemingly never-ending pursuing the perfect figure.
However,they aren't the only ones waging a constant fight against the loose fat. The average adult male spends 28 years losing weight,the poll has discovered.It found that over a tenth of the UK population is currently dieting in a bid to shed the pounds after feasting on festive treats over the Christmas period.Though holding the best intentions,three quarters of those who began their New Year with the firm resolution to lose weight give up by the end of the week.The average diet lasts 5.5 weeks,with the post-Christmas fast being even shorter at just three weeks.Half of slimmers throw in the towel due to lack of determination,while a quarter of interviewee answered that they give up because the strict diet regime makes them moody or depressed.The most determined dieters of all are aged from 45 to 64,almost a quarter spending up to a year slimming. In comparison,those aged between 18 and 24 are more likely to be yo-yo dieters,with a fifth giving up within a month.
The survey of 1,446 of men and women found that nearly two thirds of the UK population are unhappy with their body and feel that being thinner would make them happier.
For women,looks are more important,with over half reporting that they diet to wear fashionable clothes and a third of those surveyed said they watched their weight in a bid to feel more attractive. But in comparison,men are more focused on their long-term well-being,with over a third saying they wanted to lose weight to be more healthy.
Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A:Averagely,British women are on diet six months each year.
B:Less than one fifth of British women are on a permanent diet throughout their lifetime.
C:Nearly two thirds of the UK population are unhappy with their body.
D:The most determined dieters of all are aged from 45 to 64.
Transport and Trade
1.Transport is one of the aids to trade.By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce,transport adds to their value.The more easily goods can be brought over the distance that separates producer and consumer,the better for trade.When there were no railways,no good roads,no canals,and only small sailing ships,trade was on a small scale.
2.The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied by a big increase in trade.Bigger and faster ships enabled a trade in meat to develop between Britain and New Zealand,for instance.Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business, drawing supplies from,and selling goods to,all parts of the globe.Big factories could not exist with-out transport to carry the large number of workers they need to and from their homes.Big city stores could not have developed unless customers could travel easily from the suburbs and goods delivered to their homes.Big cities could not survive unless food could be brought from a distance.
3.Transport also prevents waste.Much of the fish landed at the ports would be wasted if it could not be taken quickly to inland towns.Transport has given us a much greater variety of foods and goods since we no longer have to live on what is produced locally.Foods which at one time could be obtained only during a part of the year can now, be obtained all through the year. Transport has raised the standard of living.
4.By moving fuel,raw materials,and even power,as,for example,through electric cables, transport has led to the establishment of industries and trade in areas where they would have been impossible before.Districts and countries can concentrate on making things which they can do better and more cheaply than others and can then exchange them with one another. The cheaper and quicker transport becomes,the longer the distance over which goods can profitably be carried.Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living.
5.Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information. Means of communication,like telephones,cables and radio,send information about prices,supplies,and changing conditions in different parts of the world.In this way,advanced communication systems also help to develop trade.
In the trade of modern society the transmission of information plays as important a role as_______.
A:to send goods to various parts of the world
B:at any time during the year
C:has greatly promoted trade
D:is it possible to produce on a large scale
E:the transport of goods
F: it is possible to produce on a large scale
Free Statins with Fast Food could Neutralize Heart Risk
Fast food outlets could provide statin drugs free of1so that customers can reduce the heart disease dangers of fatty food,researchers at Imperial College London 2in a new study.
Statins reduce the3of unhealthy“LDL” cholesterol in the blood. A wealth of trial data has proven them to be highly effective at lowering a person's heart attack4.
In a paper published in the American Journal of Cardiology,Dr Darrel Francis and colleagues calculate that the reduction in heart attack risk offered by a statin is5to offset the increase in heart attack risk from6a cheeseburger and drinking a milkshake.
Dr Francis,from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London,who is the senior author of the study,said:“Statins don't cut out all of the7effects of cheeseburgers and French fries. It's better to avoid fatty food altogether. But we've worked out that in terms of your8of having a heart attack. Taking a statin can reduce your risk to more or less the same9 as a fast food meal increases it.”“It's ironic that people are free to take as many unhealthy condi-ments in fast food outlets as they10,but statins,which are beneficial to heart health,have to be prescribed. It makes sense to make risk-reducing statins available just as easily as the unhealthy condiments that are 11 free of charge. It would cost less than 5 pence per/u>12一not much different to a sachet of sugar.”Dr Francis said.
When people engage in risky behaviours like driving or smoking,they're encouraged to take13that lower their risk,like14a seatbelt or choosing cigarettes with filters.
Taking a statin is a rational way of15some of the risks of eating a fatty meal.
A: examination
B: suffering
C: determination
D: possibility