
The Northern Lights
The Sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour. These particles are called plasma,and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun,the stronger the solar wind.
The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet.The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.
The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into the Earth's atmosphere at the poles. As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky. Each atmospheric gas glows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.
Watching auroras is fun and exciting,but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada. The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate,flicker,or even move like waves.During solar maximum,auroras are seen as far south as Florida,even Mexico!
Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly. A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long,a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.
We hope you are able to travel to far north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime. We know you will never forget it!
The auroras are formed when the electrons falling into the Earth's atmosphere at the poles and colliding with gas molecules in the atmosphere.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned

Are These Food Safe to Eat?
Traditionally,in plant breeding,there are crossing varieties of the same species in ways they could cross naturally.For example,disease-resistant varieties of wheat have been crossed with highyield wheat to combine these properties.This type of natural gene exchange is safe and fairly predictable.
Genetic engineering(GE)makes it possible to exchange genes between unrelated species that cannot exchange genes with each other in a natural way.GE can involve the exchange of genes be-tween vastly different species一e.g. putting scorpion toxin genes into maize or fish antifreeze genes into tomatoes.It is possible that a scorpion toxin gene,even when it is in maize DNA,will still get the organism to produce scorpion toxin一but what other effects may it have in this alien environment? We have already realized this problem一adding human growth hormone genes to pigs certainly makes them grow一but it also gives them arthritis and makes them cross-eyed,which was entirely out of expectation.
It won't be difficult to find out,for example,that the gene for human intelligence will not have the same effect if it is inserted into cabbage DNA as it had in human DNA一but what side-effect would it have?In other words,is genetically modified(GM)food safe to eat?The answer is that no-body knows because long-term tests have not been carried out.
Those companies who want a GM product approved in the UK or USA are required to provide regulatory bodies with results of their own safety tests.Monsanto's soya beans were apparently fed to fish for 10 weeks before being approved.There was no requirement for independent testing,for longterm testing,for testing on humans or testing for specific dangers to children or allergic people.
The present opinion of the British Government is that"There is no evidence of long-term dangers from GM foods."In the US,the American Food and Drug Administration is now being prosecuted for covering up research that suggested possible risks from GM foods.
Which statement about GM product is true according to the passage?
A:Adding human growth hormone genes to pigs does not make them grow.
B:The American Food and Drug Administration is now doing a research that suggested possible risks from GM foods.
C:The gene for human intelligence will not have the same effect if it is inserted into cabbage DNA as it had in human DNA.
D: There has been requirement for independent testing,for long-term testing,for testing on humans or testing for specific dangers to children or allergic people.
American Dreams
There is a common response to America among foreign writers:the US is a land of
extremes where the best of things are just as easily found as the worst.This is a cliché(陈
In the land of black and white,people should not be too surprised to find some of the
biggest gaps between the rich and the poor in the world.But the American Dream offers a
way out to everyone.________(1)No class system or government stands in the way.
Sadly,this old argument is no longer true.Over the past few decades there has been a fundamental shift in the structure of the American economy.
The gap between the rich and the poor has widened and widened.________(2)
Over the past 25 years the median US family income has gone up 18 percent.For the
top 1 percent,however,it has gone up 200 percent.Twenty-five years ago the top fifth
of Americans had an average income 6.7 times that of the bottom fifth.________
Inequalities have grown worse in different regions.In California,incomes for lower
class families have fallen by 4 percent since 1969.________(4)This has led to an
economy hugely in favor of a small group of very rich Americans.The wealthiest 1 percent
of households now control a third of the national wealth.There are now 37 million
Americans living in poverty.At 12.7 percent of the population,it is the highest percentage
in the developed world.
Yet the tax burden on America's rich is falling,not growing.________(5)There
was an economic theory holding that the rich spending more would benefit everyone as a
whole.But clearly that theory has not worked in reality.
A:Nobody is poor in the US.
B:The top 0. 01 percent of households has seen its tax bite fall by a full 25 percentage points since 1980.
C:For upper class families they have risen 41 percent.
D:Now it is9.8 times.
E:As it does so,the possibility to cross that gap gets smaller and smaller.
F:All one has to do is to work hard and climb the ladder towards the top.
The Greatest Mystery Of Whales
The whale is a warm-blooded,air-breathing animal,giving birth to its young alive,
sucking them一and,like all mammals,originated on land.There are many_________
(1)of this. Its front flippers(鳍状肢),used for steering and stability,are traces of feet.
Immense strength is_________(2)into the great body of the big whales,and in
fact most of a whale's body is one gigantic muscle.The blue whale's pulling strength has
been estimated_________(3)400 horsepower. One specimen was reported to have
towed(拖)a whaling vessel for seven hours at the_________(4)of eight knots (节).
An angry whale will_________(5)a ship.Afamous example of this was the fate
of whaler Essex,_________(6)was sunk off the coast of South America early in the
last century. More recently,steel ships have_________(7) their plates buckled(使弯
曲)in the same way. Sperm whales(抹香鲸)were known to seize the old-time
whaleboats in their jaws and crush them.
The greatest_________(8)of whales is their diving ability.The sperm whale dives
to the bottom for his_________(9) food, the octopus(章鱼).In that search he is
known to go as far down as 3, 200 feet,where the_________(10)is 1,400 pounds,to
a square inch.Doing so he will_________(11)underwater long as one hour. Two
special skills are involved in this:storing up enough_________(12)(all whales are air-
breathed)and tolerating the great change in pressure.Just how he does it scientists have
not_________(13).It is believed that some of the oxygen is stored in a special
_________(14)of blood vessels,rather than just held in the lungs.And it is believed
that a special kind of oil in his head is some sort of compensating mechanism that
_________(15)adjusts the internal pressure of his body.But since you can't bring a
live whale into the laboratory for study,no one knows just how these things work.
The iPad
1 The iPad is a tablet computer(平板电脑)designed and developed by Apple. It is par-ticularly marketed as a platform for audio and visual media such as books,periodicals(期刊),movies,music,and games,as well as web content. At about 1 .5 pounds(680 grams), its size and weight are between those of most contemporary smartphones and laptop comput-ers.Apple released the iPad in April 2010,and sold 3 million of the devices in 80 days.
2 The iPad runs the same operating system as iPod Touch and iPhone. It can run its own applications as well as ones developed for iPhone. Without modification,it will only run pro-grams approved by Apple and distributed via its online store.
3 Like iPhone and iPod Touch,the iPad is controlled by a multitouch display一a break from most previous tablet computers, which uses a pressure-triggered stylus(触控笔).The iPad uses a Wi-Fi data connection to browse(浏览)the Internet, load and stream media, and install software. Some models also have a 3G wireless data connection which can connect to GSM 3G data networks. The devices is managed and synchronized(同步)by iTunes on a per-sonal computer via USB cable.
4 An iPad has different features and applications one can use to execute different and in-teresting things. There are lots of iPad applications that the owner can use to enhance the way they communicate. Some of these are how to use social networking sites and other online options.One of the most common uses is for e-mail services. iPad applications like Markdown Mail allow the adoption of specific and particular options. They enable the owner to personal-ize their email accounts.
5 While the iPad is mostly used by consumers it also has been taken up by business us-ers. Some companies are adopting iPads in their business offices by distributing or making available iPads to employees.Examples of uses in the workplace include lawyers responding to clients,medical professionals accessing health records during patient exams,and manag-ers approving employee requests.A survey by Frost Sullivan shows that iPad usage in work-places is linked to the goals of increased employees productivity,reduced paperwork,and in-creased revenue.
iPad applications enable the owner's email accounts to be_______.
A: modified
B: increased
C: personalized
D: browsed
E: distributed
F: released
You have to be patient if you want to sustain your position.




