
Women,Keep Dieting!
To most women who are trying to keep slim,dieting can seem to last a lifetime,or to be more exact,31 years,for researchers have found that is how long the average woman spends on a diet over the course of her life.
A university did a research on diet of British people for as long as 10 years,whose result revealed such a picture.British women spend averagely six months a year counting the calories and more than one fifth are on a permanent diet throughout their lifetime in a seemingly never-ending pursuing the perfect figure.
However,they aren't the only ones waging a constant fight against the loose fat. The average adult male spends 28 years losing weight,the poll has discovered.It found that over a tenth of the UK population is currently dieting in a bid to shed the pounds after feasting on festive treats over the Christmas period.Though holding the best intentions,three quarters of those who began their New Year with the firm resolution to lose weight give up by the end of the week.The average diet lasts 5.5 weeks,with the post-Christmas fast being even shorter at just three weeks.Half of slimmers throw in the towel due to lack of determination,while a quarter of interviewee answered that they give up because the strict diet regime makes them moody or depressed.The most determined dieters of all are aged from 45 to 64,almost a quarter spending up to a year slimming. In comparison,those aged between 18 and 24 are more likely to be yo-yo dieters,with a fifth giving up within a month.
The survey of 1,446 of men and women found that nearly two thirds of the UK population are unhappy with their body and feel that being thinner would make them happier.
For women,looks are more important,with over half reporting that they diet to wear fashionable clothes and a third of those surveyed said they watched their weight in a bid to feel more attractive. But in comparison,men are more focused on their long-term well-being,with over a third saying they wanted to lose weight to be more healthy.
Do female and male go on diet for the same reason?
A:She always makes sure to attend the big events in the life of her sons.
B:Women go on diet to look good while male to keep fit.
C:She always gives priority to work rather than to her family.
D:She seldom has time to take a holiday.

The director proposed that we should stop the meeting.
Study Helps Predict Big Mediterranean Quake
1.Scientists have found evidence that an overlooked fault in the eastern Mediterranean is likely to produce an earthquake and tsunami every 800 years as powerful as the one that destroyed Alexandria in AD 365.
2.Using radiocarbon dating techniques,simulations and computer models,the researchers recreated the ancient disaster in order to identify the responsible fault."We are saying there is probably a repeat time of 800 years for this kind of earthquake,"said Ms Beth Shaw,an earthquake scientist at the University of Cambridge,who led the study. Scientists study past earthquakes in order to deter-mine the future possibility of similar large shocks.
3.Identifying the fault for the AD 365 earthquake and tsunami is important for the tens of millions of people in the region,Ms.Shaw said.The fault close to the southwest coast of Crete last produced a big enough quake to generate a tsunami about 1300,which means the next powerful one could come in the next 100 years,she added in a telephone interview.
4.Ms.Shaw and her colleagues calculate the likely intervals by measuring the motion of either side of the fault to find how often such large earthquakes would have to occur to account for that level of motion,she said.Their computer model suggested an 8 magnitude quake on the fault would pro-duce a tsunami that floods the coastal regions of Alexandria and North Africa,the southern coast of Greece and Sicily all the way up the Adriati to Dubrovnik.This would be similar to the ancient quake in AD 365 that caused widespread destruction in much of Greece and unleashed a tsunami that flooded Alexandria and the Nile Delta likely killing tens of thousands of people,she said.
The earthquake prediction devices developed by Ms.Shaw are being widely used in the world.
C:Not mentioned
The Greatest Mystery Of Whales
The whale is a warm-blooded,air-breathing animal,giving birth to its young alive,
sucking them一and,like all mammals,originated on land.There are many_________
(1)of this. Its front flippers(鳍状肢),used for steering and stability,are traces of feet.
Immense strength is_________(2)into the great body of the big whales,and in
fact most of a whale's body is one gigantic muscle.The blue whale's pulling strength has
been estimated_________(3)400 horsepower. One specimen was reported to have
towed(拖)a whaling vessel for seven hours at the_________(4)of eight knots (节).
An angry whale will_________(5)a ship.Afamous example of this was the fate
of whaler Essex,_________(6)was sunk off the coast of South America early in the
last century. More recently,steel ships have_________(7) their plates buckled(使弯
曲)in the same way. Sperm whales(抹香鲸)were known to seize the old-time
whaleboats in their jaws and crush them.
The greatest_________(8)of whales is their diving ability.The sperm whale dives
to the bottom for his_________(9) food, the octopus(章鱼).In that search he is
known to go as far down as 3, 200 feet,where the_________(10)is 1,400 pounds,to
a square inch.Doing so he will_________(11)underwater long as one hour. Two
special skills are involved in this:storing up enough_________(12)(all whales are air-
breathed)and tolerating the great change in pressure.Just how he does it scientists have
not_________(13).It is believed that some of the oxygen is stored in a special
_________(14)of blood vessels,rather than just held in the lungs.And it is believed
that a special kind of oil in his head is some sort of compensating mechanism that
_________(15)adjusts the internal pressure of his body.But since you can't bring a
live whale into the laboratory for study,no one knows just how these things work.
For preschoolers,getting dressed is a complicated task.
1 Chimpanzees(黑猩猩)will soon be extinct(灭绝).If the present rate of hunting and habitat(栖息地)destruction continues, then within 20 years, there will be no chimpanzees living in the wild. But this is more than an environmental or moral tragedy(悲剧).Chimpan-zee extinction may also have profound implications(含意)for the survival of their distant relatives一human beings.
2 In 1975 the biologist Marie-Claire King and Allan Wilson discovered that the human and chimpanzee genomes(基因组)match by over 98%. Compare this to the mouse, used as model for human disease in lab tests,which shares only 60% of its DNA with us.In fact, chimpanzees are far more similar to humans than they are to any other species of monkey. As well as resembling us genetically,chimps are highly intelligent and able to use tools.These facts alone should be enough to make protection of chimps an urgent priority(优先).But there is another,more selfish reason to preserve the chimp.
3 The chimpanzees' trump card(王牌)comes in the field of medical research. Chimpan-zees are so similar to humans that veterinarians(兽医)often refer to human medical text-books when treating them. Yet chimpanzees do show differences in several key areas.In parti-cular,chimps are much more resistant to a number of major diseases.It is this ability that is so interesting.
4 For example,chimps seem to show a much higher resistance than humans to HIV,the virus that causes AIDS. Indeed,their use as experimental animals in AIDS research has de-clined because they are so resistant.
5 By sequencing the chimp genome and pinpointing(找到)the place where the chimpan-zee DNA sequence differs from that of humans,scientists hope to be able to discover which part of the genetic code gives chimps their increased resistance to some diseases. This,they hope,will allow them to develop new and more effective treatments for the human forms of these diseases. Such treatments could include the production of new drugs or even the altera-tion(改变)of the human genetic sequence. The recently completed human genome sequen-cing project has shown that such an effort is now well within our reach.
Chimpanzee extinction may affect______.
A: some human disease treatments
B: some diseases
C: human survival
D: human genomes
E: key areas
F: healthier lifestyle




