
If people didn't perspire,they would die in five minutes.

The Difference between Man and Computer
What makes people different from computer programs?What is the missing element that our theories don't yet1for?The answer is simple:People read newspaper stories for a reason:to learn more about2they are interested in. Computers,on the other hand, don't. In fact,computers don,t3have interests;there is nothing in particular that they are trying to find out when they read. If a computer4is to be a model of story understanding,it should also read for a“purpose”.
of course,people have several goals that do not make5to attribute to computers. One might read a restaurant guide6order to satisfy hunger or entertainment goals,or to 7a good place to go for a business lunch. Computers do not get hungry,and computers do not have business lunches.
However,these physiological and social goals give8to several intellectual or cognitive goals. A goal to satisfy hunger gives rise to goals to find9about the name of a restaurant which10the desired type of food,how expensive the restaurant is,the location of the restaurant,etc. These are goals to11information or knowledge,what we are call-ing12goals. These goals can be held by computers too;a computer13“want”to find out the location of a restaurant,and read a guide in order to do so14the same way as a person might. While such a goal would not15out of hunger in the case of the com-puter,it might well arise out of the“goal” to learn more about restaurants.
B: how
C: what
D: when
He has been granted asylum in France.
A: power
B: relief
C: protection
D: license
Microchip Research Center Created
A research center has been______(51)in this Far Eastern country to develop advanced microchip pro-duction technology.The center,which will start out with about US$14 million,will help the country develop its chip industry without always depending on imported technology.
The center will make use of its research skills and______(52)to develop new technology for ______(53)chip plants.The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the______(54)that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries,said the country's flagship chipmaker.______(55),chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments don't allowthem to______(56)the most advanced technologies,fearing they will be used for______(57) purposes.Moreover,the high licensing fees they have to pay to technology providers are also an important ______(58)for their decision of self-reliance.
As mainstream chip production technology______(59)from one generation to the next every three to five years,plants with new technology can make more powerful chips at lower costs,while plants with ______(60)equipment,which often cost billions of dollars to build,will be______(61)by the maker.
More than 10 chip plants are being built,each costing millions of US dollars.The majority of that money goes to overseas equipment______(62)and technology owners-mainly______(63)Japan and Singapore.
Should the new center play a major role in improving the situation in the industry,the country admits the US $14 million investment is still rather small.This country is developing______(64)technologies.Most of the investment will be spent on setting______(65)with technology and intellectual property owners.
The iPad
1 The iPad is a tablet computer(平板电脑)designed and developed by Apple. It is par-ticularly marketed as a platform for audio and visual media such as books,periodicals(期刊),movies,music,and games,as well as web content. At about 1 .5 pounds(680 grams), its size and weight are between those of most contemporary smartphones and laptop comput-ers.Apple released the iPad in April 2010,and sold 3 million of the devices in 80 days.
2 The iPad runs the same operating system as iPod Touch and iPhone. It can run its own applications as well as ones developed for iPhone. Without modification,it will only run pro-grams approved by Apple and distributed via its online store.
3 Like iPhone and iPod Touch,the iPad is controlled by a multitouch display一a break from most previous tablet computers, which uses a pressure-triggered stylus(触控笔).The iPad uses a Wi-Fi data connection to browse(浏览)the Internet, load and stream media, and install software. Some models also have a 3G wireless data connection which can connect to GSM 3G data networks. The devices is managed and synchronized(同步)by iTunes on a per-sonal computer via USB cable.
4 An iPad has different features and applications one can use to execute different and in-teresting things. There are lots of iPad applications that the owner can use to enhance the way they communicate. Some of these are how to use social networking sites and other online options.One of the most common uses is for e-mail services. iPad applications like Markdown Mail allow the adoption of specific and particular options. They enable the owner to personal-ize their email accounts.
5 While the iPad is mostly used by consumers it also has been taken up by business us-ers. Some companies are adopting iPads in their business offices by distributing or making available iPads to employees.Examples of uses in the workplace include lawyers responding to clients,medical professionals accessing health records during patient exams,and manag-ers approving employee requests.A survey by Frost Sullivan shows that iPad usage in work-places is linked to the goals of increased employees productivity,reduced paperwork,and in-creased revenue.
The iPad will only run programs approved by Apple if not______.
A: modified
B: increased
C: personalized
D: browsed
E: distributed
F: released
Technology Transfer in Germany
When it comes to translating basic research into industrial success,few nations can
match Germany.Since the 1940s,the nation's vast industrial base has been fed with a
constant stream of new ideas and expertise from science.And though German prosperity
(繁荣)has faltered(衰退)over the past decade because of the huge cost of unifying east
and west as well as the global economic decline , it still has an enviable(令人羡慕的)
record for turning ideas into profit.
Much of the reason for that success is the Fraunhofer Society,a network of research
institutes that exists solely to solve industrial problems and create sought-after technologies.
But today the Fraunhofer institutes have competition.Universities are taking an ever larger r
ole in technology transfer,and technology parks are springing up all over.These efforts
are being complemented by the federal programmes for pumping money into start-up companies,
Such a strategy may sound like a recipe for economic success,but it is not without its
critics.These people worry that favouring applied research will mean neglecting basic
science,eventually starving industry of fresh ideas.If every scientist starts thinking like an
entrepreneur(企业家),the argument goes , then the traditional principles of university
research being curiosity-driven,free and widely available will suffer.Others claim that
many of the programmes to promote technology transfer are a waste of money because half
the small businesses that are promoted are bound to go bankrupt within a few years.
While this debate continues,new ideas flow at a steady rate from Germany's research
networks,which bear famous names such as Helmholtz,Max Planck and Leibniz.Yet it is the
fourth network,the Fraunhofer Society,that plays the greatest role in technology transfer.
Founded in 1949,the Fraunhofer Society is now Europe's largest organisation for
applied technology,and has 59 institutes employing 12,000 people.It continues to grow.
Last year,it swallowed up the Heinrich Hertz Institute for Communication Technology in
Berlin.Today,there are even Fraunhofers in the U.S. and Asia.
What factor can be attributed to German prosperity?
A:Technology transfer.
B:Good management.
C:Hard work.
D:Fierce competition.




