
Text 2 Jurcik,a 31-year-old human resources professional at Boeing,ran regularly and was in good shape,felt a sharp pain in her side and back in January of 2013.She thought it was probably a strained muscle from a workout.But the pain got worse,and by early February she could barely stand up.Like most people,Jurcik Googled her symptoms.She typed"upper left abdominal pain"into the search engine."I learned all about gall stones,and ulcers and gas pain,"she said.She was eventually diagnosed with pancreatic cancer."My doctor said,'the good news is you're going to be OK.The bad news is,you're going to die before you turn 38 ifyou don't have it taken out."'It's not uncommon for people searching the web to jump to the conclusion that they have a life threatening illness from a common symptom.Eric Horvitz,technical fellow and managing director at Microsoft Research,calls this phenomenon"cyberchondria".Humans generally have a poor ability to understand the probability of events,and websites are fairly poor at communicating them.To make things worse,search tends to push the scary rare disease higher-and as a result you're much more likely to think you have a rare disease.In June,Google announced it was partnering with Harvard Medical School and Mayo Clinic to launch a symptom search feature."Health content on the web can be difficult to navigate,and tends to lead people from mild symptoms to scary and unlikely conditions,which can cause unnecessary anxiety and stress,"said Google product manager Veronica Pinchin in a statement.The symptom search feature will"give you an overview description along with information on self-treatment options and what might warrant a doctor's visit".Google creates its list ofsymptoms by"looking for health conditions mentioned in web results,and then checking them against high-quality medical information we've collected from doctors".Microsofi researchers have been using search to test predictive algorithms.With millions of patients making many millions of health-related searches with similar terms,huge troves of powerful data are being created.Researchers are using these pools of big data to mine for information in search of new tools to help find ways to screen and identify disease and other health risks earlier.26.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that
A.Jurcik was suffering high pressure from work.
B.a regular running has caused serious pain on Jurcik's back.
C.patients can be diagnosed accurately online.
D.an extraction of tumors can save the life ofjurcik.

Apple Inc.on Monday unveiled new controls to help people curb the amount of time they spend on iPhones and iPads,as well as allow parents to remotely track and limit their children's use of those devices-a 1 to growing societal concern that adults and children are too 2on phones The company said a new app it will s 3 in September called"Screen Time"will provide users with weekly reports of the apps they use and allow them to set time limits 4 their use of those apps Parents will be able to use the system to remotely monitor the apps their children use and limit their time On 5 The new 6 played a central role 7 Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference,a 8 of about 6,000 developers who create the apps for the iPhone,iPad and Mac computers.The event is designed to 9 Apple's latest software-including the newest features to further 10 into people's digital lives Those new features include a new Shortcuts app that will 11 the Siri voice command with certain apps-12,Siri could state flight and hotel 13 from the Kayak app with a voice command 14 Apple has offered parental controls for years,analysts say the system 15 allows parents to set limits on their childrens device use--not monitor it 16 a continuing basis.The new“Screen time”feature changes that by giving parents those same17.A new reports will 18 how users spend time with the iPhone,including 19 per hour they look at their phones,when they are using particular apps and what apps are sending the most 20
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