
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

A.It may put too much pressure on team members. B.It may harm the culture of today’s workplace. C.It may hinder individual career advancement. D.It may result in unwillingness to take risks.
A.They can hardly give expression to their original views. B.They may eventually lose their confidence and creativity. C.They can become less motivated to do projects of their own. D.They may find it hard to get their contributions recognized.
A.They can get chances to engage in research. B.They can enlarge their professional circle. C.They can complete the project more easily. D.They can make the best use of their expertise.25.
A.It may prevent making a timely decision. B.It may cause lots of arguments in a team. C.It may deprive a team of business opportunities. D.It may give rise to a lot of unnecessary expenses.


She was frightened, as she noticed there was something ______ in his eyes.

A.obedient B.obscure C.obscene D.obvious

Passage One

A.Robots will take over the world. B.Robots will render them jobless. C.Robots can be overused in homes. D.Robots can be controlling their lives.22.
A.It is well developed for home use. B.It still has technical obstacles to overcome. C.It can work in dangerous places or situations. D.It has the potential to be built with a laser device.23.
A.Rising cost of labor. B.Increasing amount of wealth. C.Growing number of aged people. D.Pressing needs for modernization.24.
A.Enthusiastic. B.Indifferent. C.Doubtful. D.Resentful.25.
A.People’s affordability. B.People’s acceptance. C.Technical advances. D.Market promotion.

In ______ times, human beings did not travel for pleasure, but to find a more favorable climate.

A.prime B.primary C.primitive D.preliminary

Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion (∧) in the correct place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and be sure to put a slash (/) in the blank.Example:Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our period.1. _time_Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature as a2. __/___school subject are valid for∧study of television.3. _the__American researchers say a new study has found that a substancemade by the plant known as Saint John’s wort (藿香) is not effective in treating1. ______serious depression. Depression is a feeling of deep sadness that continuesfor at least 14 days. People who are depressed may have decreased energy,feelings of guilty or thoughts of killing themselves. 2. ______Saint John’s wort has become very popular in the United States to treatdepression. It sells in many stores. Researchers say the latest study is the3. ______first large scientific trial of Saint John’s wort in patients suffering seriousdepression. It is involved 200 people at 11 medical centers in the United States. 4. ______The patients received either Saint John’s wort nor an inactive substance. 5. ______After eight weeks, the researchers found no real difference between theGroup taking Saint John’s wort and the group taking the inactive substance.Richard Shelton, a professor at Vanderbilt University led to the study and 6. ______published the results in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Hesaid the study means that people suffering depression should take Saint John’s 7. ______wort. They should go to a doctor and receive medicine that is known to helpdepression. The new results dispute the findings of at least 20 earlier studies.These studies showed that Saint John’s wort did help people suffer a less 8. ______serious kind of depression. So Doctor Shelton and the other researchersre-examined their study results. They looked for any effects from Saint John’swort on less serious depression.Again they found that the substance was not efficient. Doctor Shelton9. ______said no proof exists to support the use of Saint John’s wort for any kind ofdepression. But he also said more studies are needing to confirm the findings 10. ______of his group.

The ability of falling cats to right themselves in midair and land on their feet has been a source of wonder for ages. Biologists long regarded it as an example of adaptation by natural selection, but for physicists it bordered on the miraculous.Newton’s laws of motion assume that the total amount of spin of a body cannot change unless an external torque speeds it up or slow it down. If a cat has no spin when it is released and experiences no external torque, it ought not to be able to twist around as it falls.In the speed of its execution, the righting of a tumbling cat resembles a magician’s trick. The gyrations of the cat in midair are too fast for the human eye to follow, so the process is obscured. Either the eye must be speeded up, or the cat’s fall slowed down for the phenomenon to be observed. A century ago the former was accomplished by means of high-speed photography using equipment now available in any pharmacy.But in the nineteenth century the capture on film of a falling cat constituted a scientific experiment. The experiment was described in a paper presented to the Paris Academy in 1894. Two sequences of twenty photographs each, one from the side and one from behind, show a white cat in the act of righting itself. Grainy and quaint though they are, the photos show that the cat was dropped upside down with no initial spin, and still landed on its feet. Careful analysis of the photos reveals the secret: As the cat rotates the front of its body clockwise, the rear and tail twist counterclockwise, so that the total spin remains zero, in perfect accord with Newton’s laws. Halfway down, the cat pulls in its legs before reversing its twist and then extends them again, with the desired end result.The explanation was that while nobody can acquire spin without torque, a flexible one can readily change its orientation, or phase. Cats know this instinctively, but scientists could not be sure how it happened until they increased the speed of their perceptions a thousand fold.





