
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.1.虽然我们几乎没有注意到人工智能没备的存在,但是它们的普遍出现己经使人们摆脱了许多的劳动。2.没有情感的因素,我们的智慧很难开创新道路;没有智慧,情感也无法达到完美的状态。3.我们必须意识到:寻求赞许与其说是生活之必需,不如说是一种欲望。我们都愿意博得 掌声,听到赞扬。4.考试能证明学习者在一种语言中是否熟练。通过语言考试远不只是激励了自己在语言方 面的自尊。5.在决定什么风险水平对社会和经济方面的影响是可以接受的之前,他们需要了解人们日常所面对的整个风险的水平和通过努力所能达到的安全水平。


As one of the world’s highest paid models, she had her face( )for five million dollars.

A.deposited B.assured C.measured D.insured

Numerous studies already link the first meal of the day to better classroom( ) .

A.function B.behavior C.performance D.display

I know you’ve got a smooth tongue, so don’t talk me( ) buying it.

A.away B.down C.out D.into

The California lawmakers voted Thursday to raise the legal age to buy tobacco products from 18 to 21. The measure is part of a larger package of laws aimed at reducing tobacco use. If Governor Jerry Brown signs the bill, California will become the second state, after Hawaii, to raise the age limit for buying cigarettes and other tobacco products. More than 100 cities in the U.S., including New York and Boston have already raised the age limit.A week ago, the California Assembly approved the measure, which ----in addition to raising the age limit----treats electronic cigarettes the same as tobacco products, expands smoke-free areas, increases smoking bans and allow counties to collect higher taxes on cigarettes than the 87-cent per pack state tax. The Assembly’s vote came a few days after the city of San Francisco increased the age to buy tobacco products to 21.California lawmakers passed the bill despite lobbying(游说)from tobacco interests. The measure also faced opposition from many Republicans, who said the state should not be involved in policing people’s personal choices. “ I don’t smoke. I don’t encourage my children to,” said Republican Assemblyman Donald Wagner. “But they’re adults, and it’s our job to treat our citizens as adults.” But supporters of the bill say raising the age to 21 moves legally purchased to tobacco that much farther from younger kids. “This will save the medical system millions of dollars, “ said Democratic Assemblyman Jim Wood.”It will save thousands of lives.” A 2015 study by the Institute of Medicine “ found that if the minimum legal age to buy tobacco were raised to 21 nationwide, tobacco use would drop by 12 percent by the time today’s teens reached adulthood.In addition , there would be 223,000 fewer premature(过早的)deaths and 50, 000 fewer deaths from lung cancer.”Which of the following is the first state to raise smoking age to 21” The California law includes all the following measures EXCEPT( ).The word policing in Paragraph 3 probably means ( ).Who is against the bill?Which of the following is appropriate title for the passage?

A.California B.Hawaii C.New York D.Washington
A.enlarging no-smoking areas B.allowing counties to collect higher taxes on cigarettes C.increasing smoking bans D.punishing parents who encourage their children to smoke
A.enriching B.controlling C.understanding D.protecting
A.Governor Jerry Brown B.Assemblyman Donald Wagner C.Assemblyman Jim Wood D.The mayor of San Francisco
A.California Lawmakers Vote to Raise Smoking Age to 21 B.San Francisco Increased the Age to Buy Tobacco Products to 21 C.Hawaii Has Already Raised the Age to Buy Tobacco. D.California Bill Face Opposition from Many Republicans

The technological advances made it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had once been( )only to the very rich.

A.manageable B.measurable C.acceptable D.affordable





