
The ______ in his plan was clear and it can’t possibly succeed.

A.advantages B.merits C.deficiencies D.proficiencies


As the economy grew, an increasing sense of sameness prevailed in American society. This was the great age of conformity, when members of all social groups learned to imitate those around them rather than strike out on their own. Third-and-fourth-generation ethnic Americans became much more alike. With immigration slowed to a trickle after 1924, and ties to Europe weakened, assimilation occurred. Television contributed to growing conformity by providing young and old with common, shared visually attractive experience. Escaping the assimilating tendencies was difficult. Sociologist David Riesman pointed out that in the classic nursery rhyme “This Little Pig Went to Market,” each pig went his own way. “Today, however, all little pigs go to market; none stay home; all have roast beef, if any do; and all say ‘we-we.’”The willingness to conform to group norms affected colleges and universities, where cautious students sought security. They joined fraternities and sororities and engaged in panty raids and other pranks, but took little interest in world affairs. “I observe,” Yale president
A. Whitney Griswold told a graduating class in 1950, “that you share the prevailing mood of the hour, which in your case consists of bargains privately made with fate—on fate’s terms.”Americans in the postwar years discovered a shared religious sense and returned to their churches in record numbers. Church membership doubled between 1945 and 1970. In part, church attendance reflected a desire to challenge “godless communism” at the height of the Cold War and to find some relief from the threat of a nuclear war; in part, it resulted from the power of suggestion that led Americans to do what others did. Religion also seemed to reinforce the importance of family life. As one slogan put it, “The family that prays together stays together.” Moreover, religion became increasingly appealing. Evangelist Billy Graham, often introduced as “a man with God’s message for these crisis days,” preached to millions at his revivals. He capitalized on the media, using radio, television, and film to spread his message. By the end of the 1950s, fully 95 percent of all Americans identified with some religious denomination.46. According to the context, we can guess that “the great age of conformity” roughly means the era when ______.47. Sociologist David Riesman’s remarks revealed ______.48. What Yale president said shows that college students ______.49. According to the third paragraph, large church attendance seems to have to do with all of the following except ______.50. Which of the following can be a suitable title for the passage?

A.people from all walks of life took little interest in world affairs B.all social members tended to act the way others did C.the young and the old learned to narrow their differences and tolerate each other D.religion played an important role in reinforcing the importance of family life
A.the change in the diet of Americans B.differences in Americans’ opinions on nursery education C.the effects of economic growth on American’ habits and customs D.the prevailing trend towards assimilation in American society
A.gave up struggling for a better future B.were struggling hard for a better future C.were only interested in students’ organizations D.were favored by fate
A.Americans’ keener awareness of the importance of family life B.the ever-growing attraction of religion for Americans C.Americans’ resolve to give full support to the Cold War D.the grave international situation of the time
A.America: A Different Society from the Past B.Spread of Religion in Postwar Years C.Religion: An Important Aspect of American Life D.Conformity in American Society

Many expatriate writers often ______ their socialized behavior with the dominant culture of their own.

A.collaborated B.attached C.tied D.identified

Mary has just bought herself ______ dress.

A.an expensive blue cotton B.a cotton blue expensive C.a blue expensive cotton D.a cotton expensive blue

The doctors were sure they could cure my husband’s disease, but when ______ arose they lost hope.

A.compliments B.complications C.complexions D.compensations

I got caught in the traffic; ______ I would have been here sooner.

A.however B.although C.anyway D.otherwise





