
Immigrants entering the United States at the turn of the century often encountered living conditions radically different from those they had left behind.

A.apparently B.tragically C.admittedly D.drastically


Symphonies, string quartets, and ______ often have a sonata form.

A.for instrumental solos long works B.works are long for instrumental solos C.long works for instrumental solos D.instrumental solos have long works

There is an old saying that you can never ______ unless you give your consent.

A.be insulted B.insult C.insulting D.to insult


It’s hard to memorize through brute force the groceries we need to buy.

A.rude B.skillful C.emphasized D.abnormal

Governor (州长) Paterson and Mayor Bloomberg agree on at least one thing—that the top priority for rebuilding Ground Zero is the creation of a memorial, which could be built by the 10th anniversary of September 11 Attack.“I mentioned that to the mayor, and he agreed wholeheartedly,” Paterson said after a half-hour City Hall meeting with Bloomberg. “I wanted him to know that if we can agree, we’d work on both ends to try to make that happen. We will be going in a direction that I think all New Yorkers would be proud of.” The governor said that while the PATH station and the commercial projects planned for the city were also important, finishing the memorial will send a powerful message to the people of New York. “I just expressed to the mayor, and he expressed the same thing to me that it has a lot to do with the morale (士气,民心) of the city,” Paterson said.Earlier, on his weekly radio show, the mayor chaired the National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center, which raised the $350 million necessary for building the complex and is now raising money for a museum endowment (捐赠). Fifteen relatives of 9/11 victims wrote a letter last week calling for faster progress, saying, “We hope that you ensure everything possible is done so that we can share a beautiful and inspiring memorial with the world on 9/11.”1. Paterson and Bloomberg agreed that the creation of a memorial will be built in ______.

2. “We’d work on both ends to try to make that happen” means ______.

3. The mayor chaired “the National September 11 Memorial & Museum” in this text refers to a ______.

4. What did the mayor do to respond Paterson?

5. The title of the text would be ______.

A.2011 B.2008 C.2010 D.2009问题2: A.both of our groups would work hard to accomplish the building B.you and I would work hard to promote it C.we would work continually without a stop D.both of us would work hard so that it could happen问题3: A.meeting held at the World Trade Center B.certain date on which a meeting will be held C.building which would be built D.location in the World Trade Center问题4: A.He held a meeting for an endowment of the building. B.He held a meeting to demand money. C.He gave a radio show on weekend. D.He held a meeting at the World Trade Center.问题5: A.a memorial of the World Trade Center is crucial B.raising money is urgent for rebuilding Ground Zero C.a negotiation between the governor and the mayor D.an important decision by the governor and the mayor





