
Only under special circumstances ( ) to take make-up tests.

A.are freshmen permitted B.freshmen are permitted C.permitted are freshmen D.are permitted freshmen


Airplane and television are among the( )of science.

A.masks B.martyrs C.marvels D.marrow

Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the University, there are very few( )apartments in the area.

A.free B.vacant C.empty D.reserved
s="" the="" meaning="" of="" “without="" more="" data,="" that="" is="" no="" than="" an="" intriguing="" possibility.”?5.What's the attitude of author to real-time search?'>

Real-time web search—which scours only the latest updates to services like Twitter—is currently generating quite a buzz because it can provide a glimpse of what people around the world are thinking or doing at any given moment. Interest in this kind of search is so great that, according to recent leaks, Google is considering buying Twitter.The latest research from the interact search giant, though, suggests that real-time results could be even more powerful—they may reveal the future as well as the present.Google researchers Hyunyoung Choi and Hal Varian combined data from Google Trends on the popularity of different search terms with models used by economists to predict trends in areas such as travel and home sales. The result? Better forecasts in almost every case. It works because searches reveal something about people’s intentions. Google has demonstrated before that search data can predict flu outbreaks, and last week World Bank economist Erik Feyen said he could cut errors in a model that forecasts lending to the private sector by 15% using Google search data.But real-time results could have even more predictive power: knowing what people are actually doing, not just thinking, at a particular instant gives a strong hint of the future consequences.Johan Bollen of Los Alamos National Laboratory and Alberto Pepe of the University of California, Los Angeles, applied a mood rating system to the text from over 10,000 Future Me emails sent in 2006 to gauge people’s hopes, fears and predictions for the future. They found that emails directed at 2007 to 2012 were significantly more depressed in tone than messages aimed at the subsequent six years. Could they have predicted the world’s current economic slump?Without more data, that is no more than an intriguing possibility. So Bollen plans to look at more Future Me emails, as well as Twitter messages, to search for mood swings that foreshadow other economic changes. If he finds any such links, the same sources might be used to try and predict future economic fluctuations.So will our online footsteps become a central part of economic forecasting? We’ll have to wait and see—or perhaps do a quick web search.1.What is “real-time” web search like Twitter?2.What is the result of research established by Google researchers Hyunyoung Choi and Hal Varian?3.What can we infer from Para. 5?4.What's the meaning of “Without more data, that is no more than an intriguing possibility.”?5.What's the attitude of author to real-time search?

A.It tells us what people did in past days. B.It generates quite a buzz in recent days. C.It provides latest news about everything. D.It informs what people do in the future.
A.They gain nothing special from the combination of data and models. B.They indeed reveal something about people’s intentions in such areas. C.They find that the future trends cannot be predicted from the research. D.They totally understand the future trends of these areas from research.
A.It is possible for researchers to get some hints from the Future Me emails. B.There is no relationship between the depression and economic slump. C.There is a potential relationship between depression and economic slump. D.The Future Me emails may indicate people’s reaction about future prediction.
A.More data are necessary to turn this possibility to be reality. B.The possibility is just all intriguing possibility without data. C.No amount of data cannot be a strong proof for the possibility. D.More data are needed to turn it out to be a pure possibility.
A.Negative. B.Critical. C.Optimistic. D.Indifferent.

The mere fact( )most people believe a nuclear war would be mad does not mean that it will not occur.

A.what B.which C.that D.why

The migratory birds use the same nests year after year,( ) new material each time.

A.and will add B.which are added C.to add D.adding





