


多彩的旅行①我极爱旅行,尤其喜爱江南风景。暑假,我踏上了去乌镇的路,开启我新一期多彩的旅行。②一提到乌镇,我就想起“小桥流水人家”。乌镇,像许多江南小镇一样,有穿过小镇的狭窄河道,有磅水而筑的朴实民居,有乌蓬船悠悠地在小河上荡过,有巷子深处升起的袅袅吹烟,有农妇在通向河道的石阶上浣洗③走过蜿蜒的石子路,经过几家店铺,眼前,出现了一座用石头垒起来的桥。它结实、美观,如长虹卧波。这是架在河道上的第一座桥,叫逢源双桥,瞧!不管是一座小桥,也透着乌镇丰富的文化底蕴。④乌镇除了有秀美的风景、和蔼可亲的人,不可或缺的是它的文化,文化始终是使一个古镇永远吸引人的力量,有了文化,古镇的色彩才会分外夺目,格外诱人。⑤踏过一段高高低低的石板路,穿过狭小的巷子,路遇挂蓝印花布的作坊。忽地看见了茅盾故居,便跨门进入。屋中,只有一张小书桌和一把木椅,椅腿已有些腐烂。桌上放着几本书,书页早已泛黄,页角还带着破损,书中的字依然清晰可见。我想这正如同文化,也许人会朝生夕亡,但这里的文化却从未中断。不知道是茅盾成就了乌镇,还是乌镇成就了茅盾。 ⑥出门看到几个小孩子安静地坐在门槛上,不嬉笑不打闹,只是围着一本书无声地看着,仿佛已经深深坠入其中。不远处,几位头发花白的老人似乎在谈论着什么,我走近一听,是在聊《水浒传》哩!我不禁感慨,这种孕育大师的小镇里文化底蕴如此深厚,长辈带着小辈触摸文化,感知文化。潜移默化间,文学已成为他们生活中必不可少的一部分。这就是传承,令人起敬的传承。⑦今日的乌镇也不乏现代文化的气息,世界互联网大会已在古老的小镇长久驻下身影。没有哪个古镇能如此完美地将现代融入古老,从而焕发出勃勃生机。⑧枕水之家,丝绸之府,徜徉在青石板的小路上,心生幻觉,穿梭于过去和现在的时空里,这多彩的旅行让我驻足凝望,心驰神往……问题:(1)请从第②段找出两个错别字,从第③段找出一处病句,分别改正。(8分)(2)请指出该习作的一个优点,并结合习作具体分析。(12分)


Only until very recently ( )possible that grammarians are able to make accurate Statements about the rules of some languages.

A.has it been B.it has been C.was it D.it was

Which of the following is a display question used by teachers in class?

A.If you were the girl in the story, would you behave like her? B.Do you like this story The Thumb Girl, why or why not? C.Do you agree that the girl was a kind-hearted person? D.What happened to the girl at the end of the story?

When a teacher says “What do you mean by that?”,he/she is asking the studentfor ( ).

A.repetition B.suggestion C.introduction D.clarification

If you have got kids, here is a nasty truth: they are probably not very special, that is, they are average, ordinary, and unremarkable. Consider the numbers of those applications your daughter is sending to Ivy League schools, for instance. There are more than a quarter of a million other kids aiming for the same eight colleges at the same time, and less than 9% of them will make the cut. And those hours you spend coaching Little League because you just know your son’s sweet swing will take him to the professionals. There are 2.4 million other Little Leaguers out there, and there are exactly 750 openings for major league ballplayers at the beginning of each season. That gives him a 0.0313% chance of reaching the big clubs. The odds are just as long for the other dreams you’ve had for your kids: your child the billionaire, the Broadway star, the Rhodes scholar. Most of those things are never going to happen.The kids are paying the price for parents’ delusions. In public schools, some students are bringing home 17.5 hours of homework per week or 3.5 per school night and it’s hard to see how they have time to do it. From 2004 to 2014, the number of children participating in up to three hours of after-school activities on any given day rose from 6.5 million to 10.2 million. And all the while, the kids are being fed a promise—that they can be tutored and coached, pushed and tested, hot- housed and advance placed until success is assured.At last, a growing chorus of educators and psychologists is saying, “Enough!” Somewhere between the self-esteem building of going for the gold and the self esteem crushing of the Ivy-or-die ethos there has to be a place where kids can breathe, where they can have the freedom to do what they love and where parents accustomed to pushing their children to excel can shake off the newly defined shame of having raised an ordinary child.If the system is going to be fixed, it has to start, no surprise, with the parents. For them, the problem isn’t merely the expense of the tutors, the chore of the homework checking and the constant search for just the right summer program. It’s also the sweat equity that comes from agonizing over every exam, grieving over every disappointing grade—becoming less a guide in a child’s academic career than an intimate fellow traveler.The first step for parents is accepting that they have less control over their children’s education than they think they do—a reality that can be both sobering and liberating. You can sign your kids up for ballet camp or violin immersion all you want, but if they’re simply doing what they’re told instead of doing what they love, they’ll take it only so far.Ultimately, there’s a much larger national conversation that needs to be had about just what higher education means and when it’s needed at all. Four years of college has been sold as being a golden ticket in the American economy, and to an extent that’s true.But pushing all kids down the bachelor’s path ensures not only that some of them will lose their way but also that critical jobs that require a two-year or less—skilled trades, some kinds of nursing, computer technology, airline mechanics and more—will go unfilled.There will never be a case to be made for a culture of academic complacency or the demolition of the meritocracy. It can be fulfilling for kids to chase a ribbon, as long as it’s a ribbon the child really wants. And the very act of making that effort can bring out the best in anyone’s work.But we cheat ourselves, and worse, we cheat our kids, if we view life as a single straight-line race in which one one-hundredth of the competitors finish in the money and everyone else loses. We will all be better off if we recognize that there are a great many races of varying lengths and outcomes. The challenge for parents is to help their children find the one that’s right for them.Which of the following factors deprives the kids of freedom to do what they love?What are parents supposed to do to alter the current educational system?According to the author, which of the following perce

What does his/her feedback focus on if a teacher’s comment is “John, it would be much better if you have given more details!” ?

A.Content. B.Language. C.Attitude. D.Aptitude.




