
Which of the following best describes the relation between night and knight?

A.Metonymy B.Homonymy C.Antonymy D.Hyponymy


If a teacher shows students how to do an activity before they start doing it, he/she is using the technique of ( ).

A.presentation B.demonstration C.elicitation D.evaluation

Which of the following tasks fails to develop student’s skill of recognizing discourse patterns?

A.Analyzing the structure of difficult sentences. B.Checking the logic of the author’s arguments. C.Getting the scrambled sentences into a paragraph. D.Marking out common openers to stories and jokes.

What rhetoric device is used in the sentence “Many hands make light work”?

A.Synecdoche. B.Simile. C.Metaphor. D.Oxymoron.

If a teacher asks students to fill in the blanks in a passage with “that” “which” or “whom”,he/she is least likely focusing on grammar at ( ).

A.lexical level B.syntactic level C.discourse level D.morphological level

What is minssing at the discourse level between the two sentences“Carol loves tomatoes.She was born in Africa.”?

A.Referefce B.Cohesion C.Coherence D.Substitution