
Which of the following tasks fails to encourage active language use?

A.Reciting a text. B.Bargaining in a shop. C.Writing an application letter. D.Reading to get a message.




I look back on this pleasant holiday in Beijing ( )with pleasure.

A.anything but B.all but C.everything but D.nothing but
d="" like="" to,="" but="" i="" have="" to="" study="" for="" an="" exam.In the conversation above, B’s decline of the proposal is categorized as a kind of ( ).'>

A: Let’s go to the movie tonight.B: I'd like to, but I have to study for an exam.In the conversation above, B’s decline of the proposal is categorized as a kind of ( ).

A.illocutionary act B.perlocutionary act C.propositional condition D.sincerity condition

Which of the following involves a sound deletion?

A.Bean. B.Design. C.Sport. D.Big.

The main difference between /m/,/n/, and /ŋ/ lies in ( ).

A.manner of articulation B.sound duration C.place of articulation D.voicing