
The synonyms“charge”and“accuse”mainly differ in ( ).

A.emotion B.dialect C.formality D.collocation


The main purpose of asking questions about the topic before listening is to ( ).

A.meet students’ expectation B.increase students’ confidence C.activate students’ schemata D.provide feedback on tasks

When a teacher asks students to discuss how a text is organized, he/she is most likely to help them ( ).

A.evaluate the content of the text B.analyze the structure of the passage C.understand the intention of the writer D.distinguish the facts from the opinions

According to the affective-filter hypothesis, ( )is NOT an affective factorinfluencing language learning.

A.attitude B.motivation C.interest D.intelligence

Which of the following is the feature shared by the English phonemes /m/and/p/?

A.Voiced. B.Voiceless. C.Bilabial. D.Dental.

What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if she tries to understand every single word when listening to a passage?

A.Field-dependence. B.Intolerance of Ambiguity. C.Risk-taking. D.Field-independence.