
Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students’ability to make inferences?

A.Listen to a story and write a summary. B.Listen to a story and work out the writer’s intention. C.Listen to the story of a boy and then draw a picture of him. D.Listen to a story and note down the specific date of an event.


If a teacher asks students to put jumbled sentences in order in a reading class, he/she intends to develop their ability of ( ).

A.word-guessing through context B.summarizing the main idea C.understanding textual coherence D.scanning for detailed information

( )advance seems to be following advance on almost a monthly basis.

A.So rapid is the rate of progress that B.Rapid as the rate of progress is that C.So rapid is the rate of progress as D.Rapid as the rate of progress as

Which of the following practices can encourage students to read an article critically?

A.Evaluating its point of view. B.Finding out the facts. C.Finding detailed information. D.Doing translation exercises.

Many people ( )in the project at both reseach and editing stages and we would like to thank all here.

A.have involved B.have been involved C.having involved D.having been involved

If a teacher asks students to talk about their hobbies in groups, he/she is trying to encourage ( ).

A.peer correction B.peer feedback C.peer interaction D.peer assessment