




The Arhat Who Bares His Heart (开心罗汉)
Here is a story about one of the 18 arhats (阿罗汉) in the Buddhist temple.
Shubo Jia (戌博迦) was a crown prince. He did not really want to become the __21__ of his small state. Instead, he wanted to leave the world of red dust and follow the Buddha and find enlightenment. But he __22__ he had responsibilities to his kingdom.
His younger brother, however, wanted very much to become king, and was __23__ to mount (发动) an armed rebellion against Shubo Jia in order to claim the throne.
And so, to calm his brother and to prevent a war, and above all to pursue the path he had decided he must follow to find enlightenment, he called his __24__ to him, and explained that there was no desire in his heart __25__ the land. All that was in his __26__ was the Buddha nature.
His brother did not believe any of this, for, in his mind, whatever the Buddha nature might be, it could not __27__ with the joy of running a kingdom, even a small kingdom and having everyone obey one’s every command. And so his brother suspected that Shubo Jia was __28__ trying to fool him with some unworthy ruse.
SHubo Jia protested that he was completely __29__. And with that, he pulled __30__ his gown, and the face of a Buddha was seen peering out from the middle of his chest, for indeed in his heart there was only the Buddha nature.
So that is how he is represented in art today. And it is why he is called “The Arhat Who Bares His Heart.”

A. head          B. king          C. prince        D. rulerA. knew          B. guessed       C. thought           D. saidA. anxious        B. afraid         C. prepared          D. interestedA. men          B. father         C. wife             D. brotherA. to rule     B. to take        C. to keep           D. to followA. state          B. power     C. heart            D. eyesA. compete       B. deal          C. connect          D. compareA. certainly       B. justly        C. merely           D. sincerelyA. sincere     B. true          C. faithful          D. eagerA. down         B. open         C. off              D. out


About a year ago, I went to stay at a Detroit hotel. I didn’t want to  31  too much money with me, so I asked the desk clerk to put a hundred-dollar bill in the safe for me.
The next morning,  32 , the clerk said that he knew nothing about my money. I didn’t have any proof  33  I had given the man the money. There was clearly nothing left to do but go to the  34  lawyer.
The lawyer  35  me to return to the hotel with him and give another hundred dollar bill to the desk. So we did. An hour later, I went  36  to the desk and asked for my money.  37  I had the lawyer as an eyewitness to the  38  hundred dollar bill, the clerk could not say he  39  nothing about it.
Another hour later, I put the second part of the lawyer’s  40  into action. This time both the lawyer and I went to the hotel to  41  for the hundred-dollar bill once again, and  42  the clerk insisted that he had given  43  to me, I said it was not true. The lawyer said to him, “ I  44  this gentleman give you a hundred-dollar bill. If you don’t hand it  45  immediately, I will be forced to call the  46 ”. The clerk realized he had been  47 , so he gave me back the first hundred-dollar bill.
“ I don’t know  48  to thank you enough for  49  my money back.” I said to the lawyer. And what do you suppose he answered? He said, “ Oh, don’t  50  me. That will be one hundred dollars, please.”

A. carry             B. lend             C. spend            D. holdA. but                  B. yet              C. however          D. insteadA. where             B. which            C. why             D. thatA. nearest            B. farthest           C. good             D. nativeA. advised            B. promised          C. agreed            D. followedA. up               B. down            C. back             D. alongA. Though            B. When            C. Unless            D. SinceA. one              B. another           C. first             D. secondA. believed           B. had              C. knew            D. heardA. law              B. way             C. plan             D. wordsA. search             B. ask              C. make            D. begA. when             B. though               C. because           D. asA. these             B. this              C. them             D. itA. agreed            B. saw              C. let              D. matchedA. over              B. in                  C. up              D. outA. policeman          B. officer               C. official           D. clerkA. punished           B. helped            C. cheated           D. understoodA. why              B. how             C. when            D. whereA. returning          B. giving            C. getting               D. asking forA. believe            B. thank            C. leave             D. fool




