


   Of all the men who ever liked fresh air, no one liked it more than James Wilson did. He _1__ slept with his window open even when snow was falling outside.
One winter, he went to Finland on business. When he _2_ his room in the hotel, he found that the windows were closed to __3__ the icy air out. He did his best to open one but failed. The bed was really __4___, but Wilson couldn’t sleep. He \_5__ forget the closed windows. No fresh air! It was __6___ to think of.
At about one o’clock in the morning, he was __7__ awake. Worrying about the air in the room. He became very angry. Where was the __8__ ? He could see something that looked like __9__ over there. He threw a shoe at it through the darkness with all the force of his strong right arm. A terrible sound of breaking glass _10_ the room, but to Wilson’s sad heart, it seemed like the sound of __11___ music.
When daylight came through the window, he __12__ and lay with his eyes close. There was __13__ to worry about. __14__ was it ? Oh, the broken window! Yes, indeed. He would have to pay __15__ that. He opened his eyes to look.
Suddenly he sat up in __16__. The window was not broken at all. The __17__ was all in one piece, just as good as it had been the night before. __18__ fresh air was entering the room through the window!
He then turned his eyes to the __19__ and saw a broken picture __20__ on the wall. There was a shoe on the floor below it, and a lot of broken glasses around the shoe.

A. seldom      B. often         C. sometimes     D. alwaysA. left       B. cleaned        C. entered      D. examinedA. prevent     B. keep         C. stop        D. sendA. cold       B. comfortable      C. bad        D. terribleA. shouldn’t    B. wasn’t able to    C. couldn’t     D. wouldn’tA. unlucky     B. anxious        C. difficult     D. terribleA. already     B. nearly        C. hardly       D. stillA. waiter      B. manager        C. window       D. lightA. paper      B. glass         C. a picture     D. a manA. destroyed    B. covered        C. filled       D. enteredA. funny      B. strange        C. beautiful     D. famousA. got up     B. woke up        C. went in      D. came downA. a lot      B. little        C. something     D. someoneA. What      B. How          C. Where       D. WhoA. to        B. with         C. from        D. forA. silence     B. surprise       C. trouble      D. painA. window     B. picture        C. glass       D. shoeA. Much      B. No          C. Still       D. YetA. outside     B. top          C. side        D. bottomA. lying      B. hanging        C. falling      D. put  


D In the 1960s, people asked about your astrological sign(星相). In the 1990s, they wanted to know your website (网址). These days, having a web address is almost as important as a street address. Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and potentially, millions of people around the world. Best of all, you may not have to spend a cent. The Web is filled with all kinds of free services and all it takes is some time and creativity. Think of your home page as the starting point of your website. Like the table of contents of a book or a magazine, the home page is the front door. Your site can have one or more pages, depending on how you design it. While web pages vary greatly in their design and content, most use a traditional magazine layout (版面设计). At the top of the page is a banner(大标题) GRAPHIC. Next comes a greeting and a short description of the site. Pictures, texts, and links to other websites follow. Before you start building your site, do some planning. Think about whom the site is for and what you want to say. Next, gather up the material that you want to put on the site. Draw a rough layout on a sheet of paper. While there are no rules you have to follow, there are a few things to keep in mind: Start simply If you are too ambitious (雄心勃勃的) at the beginning, you may never get the site off the ground. You can always add to your site. Less is better Most people don't like to read a lot of text online. Break it into small pieces. Smaller is better Most people connect to the Internet with a modem (调制解调器). Since it can take a long time to download large image files, keep the file sizes small. Have the rights Don't put any material on your site unless you are sure you can do it legally (合法地). Learn the Net's Copyright Article for more about this. Now it's time to roll up your sleeves and start building. Learning the Net Communities provides tools to help you build your site.

The main purpose of the passage is to tell you _____.

A. what a website is like B. how to build your own website C. how to meet people online D. what a website is made up of

According to the writer, your website is a place _____.

A. where you can meet people all around the world B. where you can buy what you want C. where you can get free services D. where you can meet people on the Internet

The purpose of the home page of your website is _____.

A. to give a list of all the contents of your website B. to make it look like a front door C. to direct people to more of your pages D. to design the cover of a book or magazine

The writer thinks that if you are too ambitious at the beginning, _____.

A. your website may leave no space for adding new things B. you may never have your wetside working C. you may have no idea how to build your website D. you may tire yourself out


The Arhat Who Bares His Heart (开心罗汉)
Here is a story about one of the 18 arhats (阿罗汉) in the Buddhist temple.
Shubo Jia (戌博迦) was a crown prince. He did not really want to become the __21__ of his small state. Instead, he wanted to leave the world of red dust and follow the Buddha and find enlightenment. But he __22__ he had responsibilities to his kingdom.
His younger brother, however, wanted very much to become king, and was __23__ to mount (发动) an armed rebellion against Shubo Jia in order to claim the throne.
And so, to calm his brother and to prevent a war, and above all to pursue the path he had decided he must follow to find enlightenment, he called his __24__ to him, and explained that there was no desire in his heart __25__ the land. All that was in his __26__ was the Buddha nature.
His brother did not believe any of this, for, in his mind, whatever the Buddha nature might be, it could not __27__ with the joy of running a kingdom, even a small kingdom and having everyone obey one’s every command. And so his brother suspected that Shubo Jia was __28__ trying to fool him with some unworthy ruse.
SHubo Jia protested that he was completely __29__. And with that, he pulled __30__ his gown, and the face of a Buddha was seen peering out from the middle of his chest, for indeed in his heart there was only the Buddha nature.
So that is how he is represented in art today. And it is why he is called “The Arhat Who Bares His Heart.”

A. head          B. king          C. prince        D. rulerA. knew          B. guessed       C. thought           D. saidA. anxious        B. afraid         C. prepared          D. interestedA. men          B. father         C. wife             D. brotherA. to rule     B. to take        C. to keep           D. to followA. state          B. power     C. heart            D. eyesA. compete       B. deal          C. connect          D. compareA. certainly       B. justly        C. merely           D. sincerelyA. sincere     B. true          C. faithful          D. eagerA. down         B. open         C. off              D. out




