

**雪花的快乐**徐志摩  假如我是一朵雪花,  翩翩的在半空里潇洒,  我一定认清我的方向——飞扬,飞扬,飞扬,——这地面上有我的方向。  不去那冷寞的幽谷,  不去那凄清的山麓,  也不上荒街去惆怅——  飞扬,飞扬,飞扬,——你看,我有我的方向!  在半空里娟娟的飞舞,  认明了那清幽的住处,  等着她来花园里探望——  飞扬,飞扬,飞扬,——啊,她身上有朱砂梅的清香!  那时我凭借我的身轻,  盈盈的,沾住了她的衣襟,  贴近她柔波似的心胸——  消溶,消溶,消溶——  溶入了她柔波似的心胸!

1.对这首诗的赏析,不确切的一项是(  )A.这首诗共四节,韵律铿锵,具有起承转合的章法结构之美。在诗中,现实的我被彻底抽空,雪花代替我出场。B.“翩翩的在半空里潇洒”,这是被诗人意念填充的雪花,被灵魂穿着的雪花,这是灵性的雪花,人的精灵,他要为美而死。C.雪花“飞扬,飞扬,飞扬”这是多么坚定、欢快和轻松自由的执著,和诗人的心境相似。D.“她”是现代美学时期永恒的幻像。对于诗人徐志摩而言,或许隐含着很深的个人对象因素,但身处其中而加入新世纪曙光找寻,自然是诗人选择“她”而不是“他”的内驱力。2.请从艺术“三美”和语言两个方面简要赏析这首诗的艺术特点。答:__________________。3.自古在赏析诗歌时有“诗无达诂”之说,也就是说,对于同一首诗,不同的人有不同的理解。请你结合全文,对这首诗的主题进行个性化解读。答:__________________。


第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题3分,共60分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Not all memories are sweet. Some people spend all their lives trying to forget bad experiences. Vi­olence and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical and emotional scars. Often they relive(重温) these experiences in nightmares.             Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill, which will help people forget bad memories. The pill is designed to be taken immediately after a frightening experience. They hope it might reduce, or possibly erase the effect of painful memories. In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US and France. The drug stops the body re­leasing chemicals that fix memories in the brain. So far the research had suggested that only the emo­tional effects of memories may be reduced, not that the memories are erased. The research has caused a great deal of argument. Some think it is a bad idea, while others support it. Supporters say it could lead to pills that prevent or treat soldiers’ troubling memories after war. They say that there are many people who suffer from terrible memories. “Some memories can ruin people’s lives. They come back to you when you don’t want to have them in a daydream or nightmare. They usually come with very painful emotions.” said Roger Pitman, a professor of psychiatry (精神病学) at Harvard Medical School. "This could relieve(减缓) a lot of that suffering.” But those who are against the research say that changing memories is very dangerous because memories give us our identity. They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past. “All of us can think of bad events in our lives that were horrible at the time but make us who we are. I'm not sure we’d want to wipe those memories out.” said Rebecca Dresser, a medical ethicist (伦理学家). Some people fear that although the drug would first be used in only very serious cases, it would be­come more and more common.“People always have the ability to misuse science,” said Joseph LeDoux, a New York University memory researcher. “All we want to do is help people have better control of memories.”

The underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to “_____.”

A. the new drug           B. the research into the drug C. the memory             D. the chemical in the drug

Which of the following is Not the opinion of the supporters?

A.The pill can erase all the memories in the past. B.Some memories can ruin people's life. The pill can relieve emotional suffering. C. The pill can also help many other types of people who suffer from terrible memories. D. The pill can prevent or treat troubling memories in soldiers after war.

Which of the following is Not the opinion of the opponents (反对者) ?

A. Our memories give us our identity. B. The memories help humanity avoid mistakes of the past. C. The drug should be used in only very serious cases. D. People may not be sure whether they want to wipe the memories out.

Which of the following statements might be the main idea of the text?

A. People often suffer from bad memories.   B. The nightmares are terrible. C. Forget bad memories and be happy. D. The research has caused a heated argument.

There is a fine line between a parent who is active and open-minded and one that doesn’t know when to let go (放手).As my daughter, Nicole, prepares to leave home for college, I’m discovering how hard it is to stay on the 36 side of this line.When I hold 37 the apron strings (围裙带) connecting us, Nicole, eager to 38 independence, tries to loosen my grasp.What results is a (an) 39 mother-daughter, push-me, pull-you kind of tango.
For the past two years, it’s gone like this:
Mother’s question: “Have you thought of taking an advanced placement class (大学预修课程) so that you can earn college credit?”
Daughter’s __40__: “No, I’m not interested in that.”
I bit my lip a few times and Nicole shot me a few glares.
Two months ago, she was 41 to a great university.However, I was still the mother having a 42 time letting go.The night before the introductory meeting of the university, I had read the course catalog carefully and 43 courses which I thought looked good.We met on the campus the next afternoon, and Nicole’s face 44 with excitement.“I have had my entire schedule figured out,” she said.“Already?” I was astonished, 45 she should have discussed it with me.I examined the schedule.Nicole hadn’t taken a (an) 46 one of the courses I had suggested.Every course she had chosen 47 suited her interests.Just then I saw a mature, capable young woman with a 48 mind and the ability to shape her future.She no longer needed her mother 49 every decision she made.I felt proud, though still a bit __50__.
I 51 the lessons carefully.Nicole has struggled to learn over the past 18 years: 52__, sympathy, and hard work.There have been a few holes along the way.__53__, she is well-equipped and eager to __54 the future.The next step, I recognized, was mine to take: giving my daughter and myself the 55 we both needed.
A.left  B.right  C.either    D.each
A.onto  B.up   C.back  D.out
A.keep  B.refuse    C.taste  D.bear
A.awkward  B.relaxing   C.lively    D.beautiful
A.comment  B.word C.concept   D.response
A.received  B.invited    C.treated    D.accepted
A.good B.great C.hard  D.easy
A.taken B.underlined    C.offered   D.emphasized
A.lit up B.built up   C.turned up  D.made up
A.imagining B.thinking   C.hoping    D.adding
A.only  B.just  C.even  D.single
A.mostly    B.hardly    C.exactly   D.slightly
A.sharp B.normal   C.different  D.typical
A.encouraging   B.evaluating C.disagreeing    D.agreeing
A.anxious   B.excited   C.sad   D.tense
A.reviewed  B.observed  C.checked   D.studied
A.competence    B.creativity  C.responsibility  D.confidence
A.Therefore B.Instead   C.Still  D.Besides
A.embrace  B.discover   C.determine D.control
A.character  B.strength   C.relief D.Independence

D A few years ago it was popular to speak of a generation gap, a disagreement between young people and their elders. Parents said that children did not show them proper respect and obedience (服从), while children complained (抱怨) that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong? Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared? Actually the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many people argue that a gap is built into the fabric (结构) of our society.   One important cause of the generation gap is the chance that young people have to choose their own ways of life. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and agree to, and to continue the family occupation (职业). In our society, young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family home at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents.   In our easily changing society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the strong desire that parents have for their children are another cause of the disagreement between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other.   Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities.   No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a feature (特点) of American life for some time to come. Its causes are rooted in the freedom and changes of our society, and in the rapid speed at which society changes.

The main idea of the first paragraph is that ________.

A. the generation gap suddenly appeared B. the generation gap is a feature of modern social life C. people can reduce the generation gap D. many critics argue over the nature of the generation gap

The word “around” in Paragraph 1 means ________.

A. on all sides   B. near        C. in every direction  D. in existence

In American society, young people often ________.

A. depend on their parents to make a life B. stay with their parents in order to get a chance for higher education C. seek the best advice from their parents D. have very little in common with their parents

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Parents should be strict with their children. B. The younger generation should value the older generation for their wisdom. C. The generation gap is partly caused by the older generation. D. The generation gap does not exist in American society.

Life has changed in Mexico City.Streets normally filled with people are empty.One of the most popular professional soccer teams recently played a game in an empty stadium that can seat more than100,000 people.It's swine (猪)flu that has made life in Mexico City grind to a halt (慢慢停了下来).
Seemingly out of nowhere, swine flu has caused confirmed deaths in 12 countries as of April 30.It has sent a wave of alarm around the world.Governments are trying to find ways to prevent further out-breaks.The World Health Organization has raised its swine flu global threat level to five out of six.
People may be familiar with bird flu, but they know little about swine flu.Swine flu is a contagious(传染性) respiratory(呼吸的)disease in pigs.It is caused by a type-A influenza virus.
Humans can also catch swine flu.The virus causes regular outbreaks in pigs, but people usually do not catch it.However, there have been cases of the virus spreading to people, and then from one person to another.
The symptoms of swine flu are similar to the common flu.They include fever, lethargy (无精打采), lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea(恶心), and vomiting (呕吐).The high proportion of young adults among the deaths is one of several mysteries about this virus.Most of the dead had lung damage.What caused it is not yet known.
The virus spreads the same way the common flu does.When an infected person coughs or sneezes around another person, the latter is put at risk.People can get the disease by touching something with the flu virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose or eyes.
There are medicines to treat swine flu.Doctors suggest using anti - viral drugs.They keep the virus from reproducing inside the body.
And there are vaccines for it now, several everyday steps can also help prevent the spread of the virus: washing hands frequently; avoiding close contact with people who are sick; and avoiding touching surfaces that might have the virus on it.
People may worry that they will get swine flu from eating or preparing pork.In fact, you cannot catch the virus from pork products if they have been properly prepared and cooked.Cooking food at temperatures of 71℃ kills the virus.
69.What is the main idea of the passage?
A.It mainly tells us how swine flu broke out in Mexico City.
B.It presents the reader with some information concerning swine flu.
C.It tells us the differences between swine flu and bird flu.
D.It mainly tells readers the dangers caused by swine flu.
70.The following tips can protect us from swine flu EXCEPT _____.
A.keeping us away from other people
B.washing hands frequently
C.avoiding close contact with sick people
D.avoiding touching surfaces that might have the virus on them
71.What's the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.Mexico City is really a place of horror now.
B.People in Mexico City like staying at home.
C.People in Mexico City don't like soccer.
D.Swine flu has seriously affected people's life in Mexico City.
72.What can we infer from the passage?
A.At present there still aren't effective vaccines for swine flu.
B.Swine flu is preventable,controllable and curable.
C.From now on, people can't eat pork if they want to be safe.
D.All of the dead killed by swine flu had lung damage.

Monday morning always seems to come too soon. Just when you’re getting used to the  36 , it’s already finished. For many of us, Monday is what we  37 , but have no escape from..
So take a deep breath and get your spirits up.  38  you find it hard, here are four  39  to drive the Monday blues away.
Just get  40 . The best thing to do on a Monday morning is to get some exercise or go for a  41  that gets your feel-good hormones (情绪)working. Just find a green spot to have a walk  42  even just sit there. Fresh air, sunshine and green plants can put you in a better  43  .
Turn the music on.. When you’re back from your walk, nothing  44  better than listening to some music. Get your favorite,  45  your music system and let the music set the tone for the day.
46  you best. Make Mondays your look-my-best  47 . Wear the clothes you like most. Even if it means wearing that red shirt you were  48  for a special occasion. Instead of grays and blacks, go for  49  colours. Some of that sunshine yellow or red will drive the  50  away.
Eat happy. For those  51  lovers, bring out your favorite chocolate and eat it all by yourself, right in the  52  .Nothing is better than the guilty(内疚的)  53  of early morning chocolate. You say you’re on a  54 ? Then make Monday your free day. Food is the best way to  55  the blues.
Remember, the next weekend’s just five days away!
A.Saturday  B.Sunday   C.weekday  D.weekend
A.like B.hate  C.appreciate D.disagree
A.In case   B.Once C.As soon as    D.Although
A.steps B.ways C.ideas D.procedures
A.down    B.off   C.out   D.back
A.drive B.rest   C.visit  D.walk
A.and  B.or   C.but   D.than
A.mood    B.place C.office    D.feeling
A.proves    B.does  C.works    D.sounds
A.turn down B.turn up   C.turn off   D.turn on
A.Dress    B.Look C.Wear D.Choose
A.day  B.person    C.chance    D.moment
A.making   B.saving    C.preparing  D.buying
A.bright    B.red   C.dark  D.beautiful
A.yellow    B.blue  C.white D.orange
A.chocolate  B.diet  C.food  D.vegetable
A.bedroom  B.morning  C.night D.home
A.excitement    B.taste  C.pleasure   D.attraction
A.diet  B.duty  C.weight    D.beauty
A.attack    B.beat  C.compare  D.Meet





