
A.Be easily affected by other products.
B.Be aware of the same kind of product.
C.Stick to that particular product.
D.Strike a bargain for other products.


听力原文: Many of you may have heard of jet lag, which is a condition of space disorders, resulting from rapid travel over time zones. Such as on a jet plane. The symptom of jet lag can be quite varied, and may include loss of appetite, nausea, headache, fatigue, insomnia, or even mild depression. Here are a few tips for you to avoid jet lag, or cope if you are stricken by the condition.
First, adjust your biological rhythm several days before your departure, and develop a plan to start switching to the time zone of your destination. For instance, if you will be flying from New York to Paris, where it is 6 hours later, get up one hour earlier for a couple of days, then 2 hours earlier, then 3 hours earlier, I will try to at least get half way to your new time zone. Turn lights on during day time in your destination, and off during the night time. Second, during the time of your adjustment, especially during the flight, drink plenty of water. If you are not a big water fan, drink some other fluid that is not high in sugar, carbonation and caffeine~ avoid junk food, salty food and caffeine, and alcohol on the plane. Of course I say that, but I always have a couple of drinks during the flight. If you do that, just be sure to drink as much water between drinks as possible. Thirdly, when you arrive in your destination, try to resist the urge to nap during the day time. Get outside, during the daylight hours, even it is just to sit in a caf6 and relax. Try to get a good night sleep for the 1st couple of nights. The key is to reset your body's natural clock and to get enough rest. Finally, when you return home, use some of the same tactics above to return to your previous time zone.
A.A flight over time zones.
B.A loss of one's characters.
C.A symptom of leg problems.
D.A condition of sleep disorders.

What is the deadline of Dr. Kathleen Wu submitting the reports on the operations and training programs for Blue & White Restaurants?
A.February 20
B.April 13
C.April 21
D.February 12

Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the two letters?
A.Dr. Wu will gain no access to any of the necessary records at Blue & White Restaurants without Mr. Macbeth's permission.
B.Dr. Kathleen Wu should submit three reports to Mr. Macbeth altogether.
C.Dr. Wu's surveys show that most customers would prefer breakfast at Blue & White to those restaurants currently offering breakfast.
D.Blue & White Restaurants would obtain high profits only with a slight increase in personnel and associated expenses.

What is the award given by the people who have good suggestions?
A.To have a month holiday
B.To have an extra month's pay
C.To get a higher position in the company
D.To get another two months' pay

The word "capture" in Passage 2, Paragraph 3, Line 1 is closest in meaning to






