
Being Sick

People are physical, psychological (心理的) , spiritual (精神的) , and social human beings. They have certain basic needs that are necessary for life: physiological needs, the need for safety and security, love and belonging, esteem (尊重), and self-actualization. (46)

Culture influences the lives of most people. (47)

Being sick will affect a person physically, psychologically, and socially.

(48) Daily activities bring personal satisfaction, worth, and contact with others. Most people feel frustrated (灰心的) and angry when they are unable to perform. them. These feelings may become even greater if others must perform. daily functions for the patient.

A sick person has many fears and worries. (49) Some patients are able to explain why they are afraid. Others keep their feelings to themselves because they fear being laughed at for being afraid. A patient with a broken leg may be afraid of having a limp(跛行) or of not being able to walk again. A patient having surgery will probably be afraid that cancer will be found. (50)

How a person handles illness will be influenced by religion, culture, family, the patient's basic nature, the seriousness of the illness, and the speed of recovery. Doctors need to appreciate how patients are affected by illness.

A. These fears and anxieties are normal and expected.

B. Beliefs, values, habits, diet, health and illness practices may relate to a person's culture.

C. There is a fear of death, disability (残疾), chronic illness, and loss of function.

D. When people are unable to meet their own needs, they usually seek the service of a doctor.

E. The patient may be unable to perform. normal activities such as working, going to school, preparing meals, doing house or yard work, and participating in sports or hobbies.

F. One of a doctor's tasks is to help a patient to realize he is a socially human being.



It was believed that the most serious consequence spoiled children would have to face when they grew up was

Carbon monoxide, combined with the hemoglobin, will prevent the red blood cells from carrying __ all over the body.

Birds genetically inherit skills and abilities to meet the ______.

Why did the parents mentioned in the third paragraph leave the child alone in a room?

You and your partner will speak to each other. You will ask and answer questions. The examiner will give you a card with some information on it. The examiner will give your partner another card with some words on it. Your partner will use the words on the card to ask you questions about the information you have. Then you will change roles.






