
?Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part.

?Write 200-250 words on the answer paper.

?Write the question number in this box at the top of the answer paper.

Question 2

?Your company owns a large office building. A recent statistics show eight companies withdrew from your office building last year and five more have made the same application this month. Your Director has asked you to write a report about the situation together with two possible solutions.

?Write a report to your director, including the following information:

&8226;masons why your tenants withdrew

?two solutions that may be practical

?possible results from the solutions.

Question 3

?Your General Manager has known from an advertisement that Citizen Brand Quartz is looking for sales agents throughout China. He has asked you to write a letter to the company, asking to act as a sales agent.

?Write the letter, including the following details:

?your past experience and proficiency

?the potential market for the product concerned

?reference to the general information regarding yoUr credit and integrity.

Question 4

?Recently your payments have always been delayed by your customers. The Financial Director of the company you work for has asked you to write a proposal suggesting ways to ensure timely payment of your sales.

?Write your proposal for the financial director, including the following information:

?a brief description of the present situation

?masons of delaying payment by customers

?measures to ensure timely payment

?any disadvantages there might be.


?You work for a company which produces laser printers. You are visiting another company, HDC Software, to buy some computer software for your department. They have expressed an interest in your company's printers and you would like to take twenty brochures and three sample printers with you.

?Write a short note to Mr. Sam Roberts, the Sales Manager.

Ask for his permission to take these items.

Explain why you want them.

Mention the time and date when you want to collect them.

?Write 40 - 50 words on your Answer Sheet.

Making songs with MusieHall is a lot like ______.

Elderly people often said that _______(要是总这么完美就好了).

根据你所听到的回答 1~5 题

第 1 题

What animals swim from birth?

All mammals exept man and ______.

__ (他们最担心的) is their 30-year-old daughter who is still single.






