
If you know what you want to study, research reputations of academic departments by ______.




?Read the text below about communicating in groups.

?In most of the lines 41—52 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

?If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

?If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

0 Communicating in groups ensures that each person present there is hearing the

00 same information at the same time. Group communication also allows people to

41 interact with each other about the changes and can help people develop a sense of

42 team, particularly that in a climate of adversity. Communicating in groups also has

43 some disadvantages. In many organizations where there will be people who will

44 not feel comfortable in talking in a group context. The more "personal" the

45 effects of the change, and the more likely people will withdraw from the group

46 process. A second danger of group communication is that for one or two

47 particularly vocal and negative people can set the tone for the group, and then foster

48 unproductive negative discussion out. While expressions of concerns about change

49 are healthy, the "doom-sayer" can cause this process to become destructive. So for

50 this reason, group communication needs to be managed with skill and expertise.

51 Sometimes an external facilitator person is necessary. Finally, there are some issues

52 that cannot be discussed within a group. For example, when in downsizing situations, it is inappropriate to announce to a group that John and Mary are losing their jobs. When changes are likely to create a high degree of upset to individuals, they must be dealt with in private.


?Read the article about management buyouts of companies.

?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps.

?For each gap(9-14),mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet.

?DO not use any Ietter more than once.

Management Buy-outs of Companies

Involving staff in management buy-out(MBO)negotiations can help smoo.th the path for the future.Employees are becoming increasingly familiar with the fluctuations and instability that their working environments can present.It's not just mergers and acquisitions that can upset the situation.Internal MBOs can also be particularly unsetting for employees.In some cases,the MBO takes place to save an ailing company.In others,it is the result of senior management and board disagreements,or is to prevent a hostile takeover bid. (9) .This insecurity can be very damaging.One of the most important factors,often not considered during the process of an MBO,is the reaction of the workforce,yet it is those employees who more often than not can make or break the future Success of any new management team. (10) .By maintaining channels of communication across the floor.new management teams could find the rank and file a useful ally in the bid to take over. Showing those employees that a buy-out could be to their advantage,creating new opportunities for promotion or career development,will in the long-term be advantageous to the entire company.

The challenge for new management should be to reinspire employees. (11) . If the new team doesn't engage old employees in future plans or consider the contribution they can make,the idea that the MBO was meant to save everyone is lost.In this situation,long-term employees begin to see the new management team and shareholders as the only beneficiaries in the buy-out and feel in the end that the only people saved are those at the top of the corporate ladder. (12) .This will mean that the rescue will fail before it has really started.

It is depressingly common for new MBO teams not to learn from the past. (13) . If the new team can find innovative ways to involve staff activelv in various aspects of the buy-out process,the benefits are manifold. (14) .A package with such components can gain their support and be invaluable in building success for the venture,and iS one that enlightened MBO teams tend to adopt.

A.Including them in any buy-out,discussions can improve the new company's future prospects.

B.In such circumstances it is easy for the new board to make the same mistakes as the old.

C.Possibilities for realising these include decision-making,setting goals,and offering the chance of a future stake in the new company.

D.Whatever its origins,those lower down the corporate ranks can often be left out of the equation,wondering what is to become of them.

E.Nobody benefits if the company fails to meet its objectives.

F.Yet the new start represents a golden opportunity.

G.This requirement is particularly relevant when a company has failed or when staff have lost faith in the previous management.

H.Internal MBOs can also be particularly unsettling for employees.


As life on campus is not confined to classroom, students should strive a balance between ______.






