
Even once to company like our own, the need for continuing education to be able to anticipate and carry out the job which technology is going to require more training than ever before.


If the whole framework of the thesis had been designed beforehand, ____________(就会节省很多时间和精力)

&8226;Look at the statements below and at the 5 passages.

&8226;Which (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1-8 refer to?

&8226;For each statement 1-8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;You will need to use some of these letters more than once.

A Sight Bill of Exchange

A sight B/E is usually defined as A bill which is expressed to be payable on demand, or at sight, or on presentation; and a bill in which no time for payment is expressed.

In other words, a sight B/E is the B/E that is payable at once the moment the B/E is presented to the drawee of it. A sight B/E is used in the case where the exporter wants to sell goods to the importer for immediate payment. When a sight B/E is presented to the drawee, the presentation will itself trigger the settlement process unless the B/E is dishonoured.

B Usance Bill of Exchange

A usance B/E is the one that is payable at a stipulated period of time after sight or after date. The date on which the drawee/acceptor sights the B/E is considered as the date on which the B/E is accepted. The acceptor adds the date to his acceptance. In this way the date of payments is fixed. The date on which payment should be effected is called maturity date of the B/E. So a B/E that is payable at 60 days is not a sight B/E but a usance B/E.

C Clean Bill of Exchange

A clean B/E is the one that is not accompanied by any commercial documents, especially not accompanied by the shipping documents. The drawer of a clean B/E may be a business, an individual, or a bank. The payee may be a business, an individual, or a bank.

In international trade, a clean B/E is usually used where the export is not of goods but of a service or used in respect of commission, the remainder of the payment and so on. A clean B/E is used where no shipment is involved or where the shipping documents have for some reason been sent separately to the buyer.

D Documentary Bill of Exchange

A documentary B/E is the one that is accompanied by commercial documents like the invoice, B/L, and insurance policy. When a documentary B/E is presented to the drawee for payment or for acceptance, the drawee will not effect the payment or acceptance unless the shipping documents are also presented to him.

A documentary B/E is welcomed by both the importer and the exporter because both can have more security.

E Commercial Bill of Exchange

The drawer of a commercial B/E may be a business or an individual and the payer may be a business, an individual or a bank. In international payments, the drawer of a commercial B/E is normally the exporter, who draws a B/E for the purpose of getting payment for the goods he sells. A commercial B/E is usually accompanied by shipping documents.

The shipping documents must be presented; otherwise the drawee will not make payment or accept the draft.

The requirements for doing job today are changing almost at lightning speed, and part of that is going to have been to be handled by much better preparation of students as they come into jobs.

List three traditional female occupations mentioned in the talk.

听力原文:F: Good afternoon, Imports and Distribution Department. Can I help you?

M: Can I speak to Albert Reid, please.

F: I'm afraid he is out at the moment. Can I take a message?

M: Yes, this is Mr Stevens from Walterman's, the property agents.

F: Is that W-A -T -E -R-M-A-N?

M: No, no, it's W-A-L-T-E-R-M-A-N. It's about the warehouse he wanted. We just have one available at Boxhill. I wonder if Mr Reid has any interest. It was new this morning and seems to be the kind he is looking for.

F: Where is it exactly?

M: Well, it's on Sydney road, very close to the railway station and about 500 square meters. I've got some details and I can send them by E-mail. They'll tell everything he wants to know.

F: Thank you for calling and I'll tell him about it. Do you want him to call you back?

M: OK, thank you. He can contact me through my mobile phone. It's 95076 36587. Maybe we can arrange a time to see the warehouse.

F: Yes, thanks again. Good-bye, Mr Stevens.

M: Bye-bye.

&8226;Look at the form. below.

&8226;You will hear a man calling from a property agent.


For: Albert Reid

From: Mr Stevens, from (5) __________the property agents


About (6) ______ one available at Boxhill, on Sydney Rd. , close to (7) ______

Going to send more information by E-mail

Ring his (8) ______ on 95076 26587 for further arrangement






