
This part is to lest your ability to do practical writing.You are requd to write a Message according to the following instruction given in Cinese.Remember to write the message in no less than 60 words on the Composition/Translalion Sheet.

校学生会号召大家周六中午12:00在主楼前面给贫困地区的孩子捐献棉衣,但李明有事 情外出,请你以李明的名义,给其同宿舍同学写一份留言,留言包括以下内容:





Words for reference:

The Student Union 学生会 donate 捐献 rural areas 农村地区

Main Building 主楼 dormitory 宿舍


Message Leaver:__


Message for:__

Message leaving reason:__


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Electronic Dictionaries Are Not Good. You are required to write at least 120 words. Remember base your composition on the following Chinese outlines.




At the recent International Sound Off in Kansas City-whose cars and 【M1】__

drivers competed for the highest volume-one boom car owner conceded that he does 【M2】__

listen to his own system much because "I'd go deaf." He's probably right. Boom car noise is physically dangerous. Besides the obvious hearing problems, the American Psychiatric Assn. reports that noise is related with chronic fatigue syndrome. 【M3】__

The Environmental Protection Agency has for long recognized noise

as a risk factor for heart disease. 【M4】__

Boom cars are a public safety hazard as well.

They increase the chance of accidents by attracting motorists 【M5】__

and making it more difficult for drivers to hear emergency sirens. In addition, these instruments of auditory assault discourage the worst elements of sexist behavior 【M6】__

and hypermasculinity: the desire for domination, feelings of aggression and belligerence toward society. The acoustic terrorism fostered by boom cars runs counter against 【M7】__

the desire of most Americans for peace and quiet. The Census Bureau notes that noise is Americans' No. 1 complain about their neighborhoods. Noise levels have risen sixfolds 【M8】__

in major U.S. cities in the past 15 years, and automobiles are the largest source of noise.

Peace-loving citizens need to reclaim the streets. Some have already begun: In Chicago, boom cars that can be heard from 75 feet are subject to seizure and their owners may be fined $615.Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburgh also are cracking down boom cars. 【M9】__

In Papillion, Neb., owners of car stereos that

can be heard from 50 feet away can earn them 【M10】__

three months in jail.



The Ozone Layer, found in the stratosphere between 10km and【M10】km

above the ground, protects earth from the harmful effects of certain【M1】__

wavelength of ultra-violet (UV) light from the sun, specifically UV-B.【M2】__

Any significant decrease in ozone in the stratosphere would result from an【M3】__

increase of UV-B radiation reaching the earth surface.

Scientists warned for decades that increases in levels of UV-B【M4】__

radiation must cause the increase in skin cancers. 【M5】__

An Antarctic "ozone hole" was discovered in 1985. Since then,

scientists have observed ozone depletion in the middle and higher latitudes.

This year, the biggest ozone hole even recorded was observed over 【M6】__

Antarctica, expanding over the southern tip of South America. 【M7】__

To halt ozone depletion, countries committed themselves to ban the use【M8】__

and production of CFCs through implementation of the 1987 Montreal Protocol.

According to data received from the Cape Grimm Global Atmosphere

Monitoring Station locating in Australia, which measures worldwide CFCs【M9】__

in the lowest layer of the atmosphere, the most common CFCs, such as

like Freon used in refrigeration, have reached zero growth. 【M10】__

This means that these substances are not increasing in concentrations

on the earth's surface. Less common CFCs have begun to decrease in the

last two years.








