
In competitions only women perform. on the


听力原文:A: Yes, Mr. Wilson. Chris speaking.

B: Hello, Chris. Could you buy some china for our meeting room?

A: How much money do you want to spend?

B: Er, £80 for 10 coffee sets. What do you think?

A: I'll manage. I suggest we buy two more sets for our office.

B: Let's see... OK! I agree. 12 coffee sets with 96 pounds.

A: When do you want them?

B: Before the 10th of April. By the way, I want to look at the sample beforehand.

A: OK! I will select some samples for you.

B: Thank you. Bye.

A: Bye-bye, Mr. Wilson.

?Look at the note below.

?You will hear a man asking another to buy china.

Telephone Message

Date: lst April

Time: 9:45

Item: buying (9)__ sets

Purpose: 10 for meeting room, (10)__ for the office

Total money: (11) __ pounds

Deadline for purchasing: before (12)__ April

The story involves a shipwreck on the West

coast of Africa. The passengers on the ship

include a certain Lord and Lady Greystoke from

England. Lord and Lady Oreystoke are the only

survivor of the shipwreck. 【M1】__

Lord Greystoke builds a kind of shelter high

up in the trees —a treehouse —for his pregnant

wife and does best to make themselves 【M2】__

comfortable in their new jungle home. Lady

Greystoke gives birth to a boy. They call the boy

John. Unfortunately, she dies and leaves to 【M3】__

Lord Greystoke to take care of the baby on his

own. Lord Greystoke is killed by an enormous

ape that came to investigate the strange house in 【M4】__

the trees. The baby is left all alone.

Unfortunately, a female ape, whose baby has 【M5】__

recently died, finds the human baby alone in the

treehouse. Even though the baby is white and

hairless, but she feels a mother's love for it and 【M6】__

begins to feed and take care of it. She becomes

John's mother. John—who later takes the name

Tarzan, never have known his real identity — 【M7】__

grows strong and powerful living among the

apes. He has the advantage of human

intelligence and eventually grows to be leader of 【M8】__

the apes and, eventually, lord of jungle. 【M9】__

The book tells many stories of Tarzan's

adventures in the jungle, his fights with savage

animals, his encounters with other human beings

(many of whom are dangerous as the animals) 【M10】__

and his re-discovery of his true identity.


________(鉴于社会的实际需要)there are more and more people interested in learning English.

How much this measure would raise the price of bicycle?

The chief reason for building space stations was to ______.






